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Your advice needed!!

2014-08-02 | TOEIC
As you know, one year ago Kenkyusha published a series of TOEIC books designed to help high-level test-takers reach their target scores. 頂上制覇 TOEIC® テスト 究極の技術(テクニック) シリーズ. With no false modesty, I thought this series was well-conceived and the final product was beautifully designed. I am very proud of the efforts of everyone involved in this project.

However, the books have unfortunately not sold well. Certainly, the sales numbers are far below what the quality of the work deserves.

So, here's my question:
Many of our readers are people that have a very sophisticated control of English, i.e., precisely the type of target audience for the six books in the series. Why do you think the books have not done as well as expected? Is it because they are expensive compared to other books on the market? Is it because the stated goal of the series ("reaching for the top") scares off some potential readers? Is it because the materials are not as useful as I think they are (be honest!!)? Or . . .?

I plan to meet with my editor soon to see what we can do to revive the sales of this series. If you have any thoughts, please let me know. I'm sure that you may have thought of some reasons that I did not even imagine.

