2014年3月15日(土)のA35JPの50.120における6m運用は0437zでQRTしました。その直後に同一周波数で運用を開始したFK8IKを、誰かが間違ってA35JPとスポットしたため、FK8IKをA35JPと誤認してQSOされた方が相当数おられるようです。そのような方からQSLカードをいただいておりますが残念ながらNILでお返ししています。3/15のA35JPの6mCW QSOは、0220z~0437zの間のみ有効です。お気を付け下さい。
Many thanks for all, approx. 2000 QSOs including 590 QSOs on 6m were made during my previous A35JP DX pedition (between 14-21 March 2014).
All QSOs with A35JP so far have been already uploaded to LoTW on 29th March 2014. Should you have any problems with LoTW or QSL, please let me know by email ja0rqv@jarl.com
What's next?? It's still just a plan, but A35JP might challenge Niuatoputapu Is. (OC191) in next June or July, if possible....
All the best 73s! de A35JP/JA0RQV Masato TAMURA
I will be active as A35JP from 14th to 20th March 2014. QRV will be mostly at night in Tongan time (UTC+13h) and week end.
- Op : JA0RQV/Masa (Masato Tamura)
- Schedule: 14-20 March 2014
- QTH: Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Is. (OC-049)
- Band /Mode : 80M-6M/CW&SSB
- Rig/ANT: IC-7000 (100W) / Vertical
- QSL info.: VIA my home call JA0RQV, Bureau/Direct (SASE w/1IRC)/LoTW
- Mailing address: Masato Tamura, 2086-13 Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama-city 336-0015 Japan
Visit QRZ.com for the past QRV from A35JP and A35JP/H http://www.qrz.com/db/A35JP
QTH is Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island.
Vertical antenna with 12 elevated radials.