RQV World

DX pedition

A35JP/P Niuafo'ou Island (OC-123) DXpedition 2017

2017-02-17 | Past DX peditions

I will retry to activate Niaufo'ou Island (OC-123), Kingdom of Tonga as A35JP/P between 22 to 28 March 2017. His Majesty Armed Force of Tonga (NAVY) will officially cooperate this activation by transporting me to OC-123 as their mission.

  • Callsign:    A35JP/P
  • Operator:  JA0RQV, Masa
  • Schedule:  22 - 27 March 2017
  • QTH: Esia village, Niuafo'ou Island (OC-123)
  • Band/Mode: 40m-6m/CW&SSB
  • Rig/Ant:      IC-7300 100W/Vertical/VDA
  • QSL info.: via my home call JA0RQV, SASE (US$2)/Bureau/LoTW/Clublog
  • Mailing address:
    Masato Tamura, 2086-13 Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama-city 336-0015 JAPN


It has been 7 years since last activation of A33A  (by K6HFA). OC-123 is located 570km north of the capital Nuku'alofa, and is shaping volcanic rim approx. 8km in diameter with 650 population.


It will be the most challenging DXpedition in my ham life ever because:

  • There is no water supply (only rainwater is available)
  • There is no commercial power (have to find generator in the Island)
  • There is no accommodation facilities. (not sure where will I stay...)
  • There is no internet (I will upload log after I return to civilization)
  • Lots of mosquitoooooo...
  • Very few schedule flight (only once in 3 weeks. I have to ask charter flight from Niuafo'ou to Vava'u)
  • Can not expect enough food (I must take food for a week)
  • and, sorry but this is public mission for the Government of Tonga therefore I can QRV only in spare time.

There is some possibility to land OC-191 Niuatoputapu Island on the way back to Nuku'alofa. I might QRV from OC-191 for a few days if possible. I hope any tropical Cyclon will not come during this period

 See you on the air!!