A35JP/P (OC-191) was QRT at 0319z 3rd June 2014 with lots of results. Approx. 3,000 QSOs were logged in .
Many thanks for call. Though it had been very difficult to reach there, I finally could land on the Island on 28 May 2014. And luckily I could get generator so that I could operate with 100W and vertical antenna for 7 days as planned.
I will submit required evidences to RSGB to be qualified. I am still on the way return to Japan. Appreciate if you could wait for QSL card. I will print QSL card and upload to LoTW as soon as possible after I returned JA in June.
Meanwhile, please enjoy some photographs of Niuatoputapu Is. It was really UNSPOILED.
A35JP/P Niuatoputapu DXpedition (IOTA OC-191) May-June 2014