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A35JPスケジュール変更 (でもレアIOTAから出るかも)

2022-06-15 | DX news

A35JP schedule changed but will try rare IOTA  

My travel schedule in Tonga will be changed .... due to unstable opeartion of domestic flight. The latest schedule might be like below:

Term-1: From 10th July to 16th July 2022

              A35JP/P (QTH: Niuatoputapu Island (OC-191))

Term-2: From 7th August to 20th August 2022

              A35JP/P (QTH: Niuafo'ou Island (OC-123))

Term-3: From 28th August to 25th September 2022

              A35JP (QTH:  Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island (OC-049))

Since there is no commercial power available in the island of Term-1 and Term-2, it will be quite limited operation in terms of output power as well as time. I apologize in advance for very weak signal and short time QRV!


2022-06-04 | DX news


A35JP will be on the air again soon! 

I am planning to visit Kingdom of Tonga again and activate A35JP from 20th August 2022 to 24th September 2022. Since primary purpose of the trip is international cooperation project, operation will be available during spare time, holiday stayle. 

  • Callsign:      A35JP
  • Operator:    JA0RQV, Masa
  • Schedule:    From 20th August 2022 to 24th September 2022
  • QTH:           Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island (OC-049)
  • Band/Mode: 80m-6m.  CW, SSB, FT8
  • Equipment:  IC-7300 100W/Vertical
  • QSL info  :    LOTW/Clublog (ORQS only. US$2 if Direct) /Bureau to my home call JA0RQV. If you need paper QSL, please be patient to receive it because I will be able to issue paper QSL after I return to Japan in October 2022. Please do not send SASE to my home address. 

Sorry but I can not activate any outer islands this time such as Niuatoputapu (OC-191), Niuafo'ou (OC-123), Vava'u (OC-064) and Ha'apai (OC-169) due to restriction of transportation of COVID19.

73!   Masa, JA0RQV