RQV World

DX pedition

A35JP/P Vava'u dx pedition done!!

2015-11-09 | Past DX peditions

I QRVed from Vava'u Island (OC-064) as planned with results of approx. 1,500 QSOs. Many thanks for all stations called. Once I returned JA, I will try print QSL card as soon as possible. I think I will be able to issue QSL card of OC-064 from December 2015. So, please wait for a moment. Thank you for your patient.


A35JP/P Vava'u Island (OC-064) DXpedition 2015

2015-11-02 | Past DX peditions

I am going to QRV from Vava'u Island (OC-064), Kingdom of Tonga as A35JP/P between 31 October to 2 November 2015 (3 days) .

  • Callsign:    A35JP/P
  • Operator:  JA0RQV, Masa
  • Schedule:  31 October - 2 November 2015
  • QTH: Neiaf, Vava'u Island (OC-064)
  • Band/Mode: 40m-6m/CW&SSB
  • Rig/Ant:      IC-7000 100W/Vertical
  • QSL info.: via my home call JA0RQV, SASE (US$2)/Bureau/LoTW/Clublog
  • Mailing address:
    Masato Tamura, 2086-13 Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama-city 336-0015 JAPN

Prior to visit Vava'u, I might QRV from Nuku'alofa capital city, Tongatapu Is. (OC-049) as A35JP mainly weekend of CQ WW SSB. 

  • Callsign:     A35JP
  • Operater :   JA0RQV, Masa
  • Schedule :   24 - 29 October 2015
  • QTH :          Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Is. (OC-049)
  • Band/Mode: 40m-6m/CW&SSB
  • Rig/ANT:      IC7000 100W / Vertical
  • QSL info.:     Same as above

CU on the air! 73s