
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2013-01-14 | movies & DVDs

January 14, 2013


I used to be into movies starring Tom Cruise but this is the first time for me to see this movie.

遥かなる大地へ [DVD]

In the late 19th century, a young Irish guy landed on America, the new world, with an active

aristcrat lady. They dreamed to own a land in Oklahoma. There were big giveaway there.

I found the last sceen hilarious! 


2013-01-09 | movies & DVDs

January 9, 2013 


Here is today's movie I saw.

悪霊喰 [DVD]

20世紀 フォックス ホーム エンターテイメント

 A cool actor Heath Ledger starred as an exorcist trying to investigate mysterious death going on. He finally found a guy who was a sin-eater. A sin-eater is someone who literally eats sins of someone in the moment of death so the one can go to Heaven sinless. 

So dark, and so beautiful. 


2012-12-17 | movies & DVDs

December 17, 2012


This is the movie I watched last week.


善き人のためのソナタ スタンダード・エディション [DVD]



The story is about people in former East Germany, where secret police kept watching possible antigovernments secretly. Without knowing it people were watched and wiretapped around the clock until government officials order to stop it or the one got arrested. So inhuman, no private at all.

There was a drama under those situation and that gave me some kind of impression...

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

2012-03-17 | movies & DVDs

Mar 17, 2012 


I watched this movie called 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas' broadcasted on CS digital.  I was quite overwhelmed.

縞模様のパジャマの少年 [DVD]

This is a story about a 8 year-old German boy who met a Jewish boy in a concentration camp during WW2. This German boy called Bruno is a son of a director of the horrible facilities, who was dispatched to some rural place where the camp was. He didn't like the new place until he made secret friendship with the Jewish boy across barbed wire fences.  


What made me so overwhelmed was the counterpoint between the innocence of the two boys and How cruel human-being could get ... Adults kept telling  Bruno how cunning and evil natured of a kind Jews were. His elder sister soon turned to be Nazi but Bruno was confused.  For him the Jew friend seemed really nice and so a Jew servant of his house was. 


I am not sure how I can explain my feelings... I don't think all the German at the period of time became Nazi on their free will but they were just made to be it without knowing. It could happen to anyone. It may depend on the social situation. The situation could go to any direction. Its trigger is always a tiny little thing such as only one person like Hitler but once it starts to run, it will be unstoppable.  One of the extreme consequences was, I think, the genocide... 

Hmmm.... I don't know... I am just interested ... mmm,  shocked ... a kind of moved by the ... mmm, I don't know... the human nature that ones can kill the kin being and the innocence and beautiful eyes of Bruno and Shmuel. 


Similar stuffs are always going on somewhere in the world. Killing has never been stopped.  We all know, for whatever the reason, killing is bad thing but why it never stops? That's because, I am afraid, of human nature.