
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2007-10-11 | what's up?
Oct 11, 2007

Last night at dinner, Yoshi broke this news. His colleague died the day before yesterday.

The company is still hiding what happened to him but Yoshi thinks for sure that he killed himself. He was only 47. Too early to pass away.

The news made me feel down. I can't stand it, I cannot stop imagining the moment he died. What was his feelings then? Anger? Sorrow?
Yoshi thinks for sure that he died out of the stress at work. He did not tell me much but he was working with him so he knows how the man's project went. Yoshi looked shocked too. He said he talked to the man last Friday. He was so nomal making a jork or two.

Yoshi once told me,
"You work because you make your own life richer and wealthier, but never ever work for a company. You may have a sense of loyalty to the company, that is good. However, rememeber. They will not do good for you in return of your dedication."
He is right. Especially in a big company, everything is controlled by rules. There is no love or emotion there. Whatever happened, the man was stressed anyway from the inflexible system.
Yoshi kept mumbling last night that he should not have died for the stupid company. He could have started again by changing career..
Poor Yoshi, he even dreamed about the man last night. He told so this morning.

I really hope Yoshi is all right at work. He is easygoing and optimistic so suicide should be the very last choise for him to make I think, but I am still worried..



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Hide-san (sassia)
2007-10-17 15:24:09
You are very lucky to have a friend who helps you! Please please cherish the friendship! No one else could replace his/her place, I think.

It is a coincidence, there was a suiside broadcasted on the TV in Japan. His wife claimed worker's compensation because his death caused visious power harassment from his manager. The claim was accepted for the first time in history.
I think Yoshi's co-worker's case definitely applies too!
Unknown (Hide)
2007-10-17 07:40:14
Yes….human is very weak.
It is just balance.
If we lost it, we can’t control own mind sometimes.
I hope getting strong spirit…
My friend helps me many times.
I appreciate him for real.

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