
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2008-10-16 | what's up?
Oct 16, 2008

I can have time to update my blog when Yoshi is out. Heh, heh.
Right now he is having dinner with his business partner Pascal, the French man. He is staying here in Japan on business.
He is nice and so talented! It was fun when he invited us to his house in Paris. We were traveling there last May. He cooked us juicy thick foie gras! Yummi-yummie!!

Pascal visited me working at Starbacks this morning. He gave me Fauchon's jam and dipping sauce.. I am not sure but I guess they were. I only glanced in the bag and accidentally left it in the back room.. I must pick it up after work tomorrow!

Shizu-chan was absent sick today. She is one of my co-workers at Starbacks. She is as cute as a tiny small chipmunk by the way! ... So Saya, the assistant manager, got busy out of blue sky. I hope I could have been a good helping hand for her.



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Hi, Sassia! (Hide)
2008-10-31 01:57:09
Hi, sassia.
How are you?
Yoshi has a lot of friend from foreign country.
I want to follow Yoshi.
Last week, I went to Toronto in Canada for seminar.
I surprised the taste of sushi!
Do you remember the taste?

hide-san (sassia)
2008-11-12 17:39:24
Hi Hide-san,
I am so glad you come back here to browse my blog! I am all right, cannot be any better, thank you!

So you went to Toronto. Oh..., I miss the city..
There are many chinese people and Korean people running a Japanese restaurant there. The taste depends on the restaurant's chef. I wonder which one you tried. How did the sushi surprise you? In a good way, or bad way?
Yoshi and I used to go buffet restaurants run at Chinese district. We both enjoyed Sushi-Tempura. Which is 太巻きの輪切りを天ぷらに揚げたものですv

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