Oct 29, 2008
If you get a chance please take a little look into a guide book called 子どもとでかける千葉あそび場ガイド. It is a useful guide book for outing around Chiba pref with children. I took part in its wholesale revision that was made years ago. I turned in some illustration then.
Why Chiba while I live in Nagano? That is because a friend of mine living in Chiba asked me to participate. At the time she contributed some reports and ratings about places to visit.
Can you tell which picture is the ones I illustrated?

If you get a chance please take a little look into a guide book called 子どもとでかける千葉あそび場ガイド. It is a useful guide book for outing around Chiba pref with children. I took part in its wholesale revision that was made years ago. I turned in some illustration then.
Why Chiba while I live in Nagano? That is because a friend of mine living in Chiba asked me to participate. At the time she contributed some reports and ratings about places to visit.
Can you tell which picture is the ones I illustrated?