
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Shichi Go San

2009-11-11 | what's up?
Nov 11, 2009

Maybe almost all of you Japanese people over 7 years old have experienced this traditional ceremony. Shichi Go San. Seven, five and three, if translated in English. It is an event to celebrate your growth when you get 3, 5 and 7. My nieces had this ceremony together last weekend. Yoshi and I went to Tochigi, where nieces are, to congratulate them.

My parents in law went with us. They came all the way from Osaka by highway bus. Stay our place in Yamanashi overnight and then 4 of us headed to Tochigi. Oh, don't forget our adorable Jack! We took the cute puppy with us too.

... Hmmm... All in all, it was quite a bit of ado.

The little one seemed feverish the night before the big day. Her parents worried if she had a new flu so they took her to a hospital. Fortunately the doctor diagnosed it negative. The next day, although she still had fever, she was in pink kimono went to a shrine with her elder sister. Yeah, I was happy for her!

As for the elder one, she was mad from the morning because some toy she wanted was sold out. She was mad again because the photo studio was packed that she had to wait for hours before they had her wear kimono. Wearing kimono for kids is a torture, you know. Limited moves, tight kimono belt, and it is too hot as body temperature of kids tends to higher than adults. She was mad at just everything. Naturally no photos came out good. She in the pictures were frowning... Uh, oh... She was really cute in red kimono, kind of sexy I could say. Only if something would have cheered her up a little bit more... Pity.

Finally, my Jack! We left him on leash in the front yard while we had a lunch party. After two hours or so, getting back from Sushi restaurant, there was no sign of Jack!!! Oh, my...!!!! I was freaking out! Jack might have thought he was left alone in such a strange place. He was desperate try to follow us so he bit the leash off and set himself free. Soon after, he was found. Phew! He was wondering around our car. He knew it was his favorite because it always takes him to somewhere interesting. ... He is such a good boy!!!

Having Yoshi's mom at our place was tough one too.
She is a nice person but ... a little ... what can I say? too honest about what she feels. Her words often breaks my glasslike heart. (giggle!) Besides, she has some unique philosophy of her own. Of cause most of it is respectable but, you know, people have different thoughts. No one can 100 % agree with her. I don't know, she is always telling me what to do. I appreciate some of it but, anyway, it is just too much...
..I think everyone's mother in law should be like that. Heh, heh. When I tell my friends that I have her at my place, they would always be like, 'I am sorry about that.. You must be tired!' Even though they have no idea what her personality is like. Anyway.

Everything was done and finished!

I think I made it this time.
I had better conversation with sister in law in Tochigi. .... We have known each other for years but we hadn't talked intimately actually. She was busy raising her kids and I was kind of depressed by miscarriage. I didn't want to talk to any women called "mother."
It was also a relief that mother in law happily went back to Osaka. Phew! The last time she got so mad and carried it on for three months. I determined that I would treat her like a princess this time. Heh, heh! I think I made it quite well. Good job, me!

Yesterday, I got a call from the sister in law. According to her, the elder niece has a new flue! It came out right after we left Tochigi... She might have carried the virus while we were there. She advised us to go to hospital immediately if we got a fever... What the...!
I am OK for now. The shop manager of my work place gave me a day off in case I carry the virus. I hope not!


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