
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....



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like Christmas (Minatsuki)
2005-01-29 11:04:28
Very beautiful scene, isn't it? It's like a Christmas postcard. Snow & the lights set a romantic atmospher. I bet you'll miss there after comming back to Japan. Your friends there will miss you, too.

Are you gonna keep English blog after comming back? I hope so.
Of course (sassia)
2005-01-30 01:34:10
Yes, I am!

I will keep this blog in English as long a period as possible.

I am worried that I may forget some English years after going back to Japan.

Especially, Out-put skills such as speaking and writing would be quickly gone.

I believe writing in English helps me sustain them..

By the way,

You must be trying hard not only studying English but putting yourself in the situation where English is spoken.

I can tell from your English skill!

That's amazing

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