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dogs looking for foster family

2010-05-19 | dog
May 19, 2010

My Jack was a foster puppy. I met him at a humane society of Yamanashi when he was 3 months old. There were about 10 puppies at the time. I wanted a black boy. Jack is the only one that met my requests. Wow, time flies! It has been 11 months since I adopted him. June 20 will be the 1st anniversary!

The 7th day: Jack outing for the first time in his life.

Last March

Before I met Jack, I wanted a Border Collie. I have browsed this web site called BORDER COLLIE RESCUE NETWORK(ボーダーコリーレスキューネットワーク) ever since, even after I got Jack.
Border Collies are an active energetic sheep dog, the smartest breed of all canine kind. I heard quite many people get a border collie without knowing the nature. They are getting tired and then give up on their dog... That's a tragedy..

I also check this blog. The blogger is volunteering to take care of orphan dogs with lots and lots of love. The pictures on this blog always flash me with huge smiles of dogs! They make me smile too.

People who are considering to get a dog, please check out those unwanted dogs first. Pedigree dogs are OK, but actually blood or shape or appearance don't matter once you start to have one. The more you love it, the cuter and more adorable your dog can be.


捨てられたいのちを救え! 生還した5000匹の犬たち
石井 文子


田辺 アンニイ


児玉 小枝


犬たちをおくる日―この命、灰になるために生まれてきたんじゃない (ノンフィクション 知られざる世界)
今西 乃子,浜田 一男



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