
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Yoshi's leather coat

2004-12-23 | what's up?
Yoshi has been into Japanese TV dramas since the final exams finished.
The dramas we have watched through were;
"Itsumo-Futari-De" starring Takako Matsu, Kenji Sakaguchi,
"Good Luck!" starring Takuya Kimura,
and "Wonderful Life", Takashi Sorimachi is in. (ongoing)

I know Good Luck! is almost 2 years behind the times but he felt like getting the reddish brown leather trench coat. Yes, the one with a double collar and a belt squeezing slightly upper waist. Kim-Tack looked much cooler in the stylish coat, didn't he?
He started to look for a similar coat on the Internet, checked mostly the website of Danier, the outlet chain store for leather clothing based in the U.S. They run many chain shops in Toronto, too.
It is interesting, Yoshi glued to the laptop monitor for more than 3 hours only to search for the right coat. Here goes the go-getter of him. That's Yoshi!

And then, finally, he got a coat the day before yesterday!
Yoshi and I went to Eaton Center, Toronto's biggest shopping mall in downtown. We headed for Danier, browsing some shops on the way. They carry expensive stuffs (of course, they are expensive. leather!!) so I never went into the store before. I was kinda nervous.
Soon after we walked to far back of the store, one salesperson approached us saying "may I help you?" Yoshi described what he wanted so she took us to some aisle where there were coats with double collar.
There were three coats that caught Yoshi's eye. One that came in mahogany with ordinary coat-like shape, another came in browny red (looked brighter than the one in the drama.), and the rest came in traditional black.
Yoshi tried them on twice each, bothering the salesperson(giggle). At last, he chose the browny red one!! He seemed to like it a lot. I was happy to see him happy

Well, I will put the picture of it later. Don't miss it!

Dec.23 --- image uploaded


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