
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Tirami Su

2004-12-10 | cooking & baking
I made Tirami Su Cake this evening.
Because Yoshi is throwing a Christmas party tomorrow, I decided to duplicate the cake I learnt in the cake-baking course.

... Because I wanted to review the recipe by myself too. Jay and Janice (see "friends of mine") want me to teach how to make it but I was not confident enough. You know Mascarpone cheese, which Tirami Su contains a lot. It is quite expensive to buy so I don't want to waste it by screwing it up. If three people fail all at once, the waste would be three times as much. ...Noooo... too horrible..

I needed Mascarpone cheese and other stuffs for the party, I went to a new super market that I never tried before. It was at around 3 p.m. when I got there. ...Wow, the super market was so huge! I had a bit of hard time to find where the stuffs I want to get.

It was almost 5 p.m. when I got back home. I started to make lady fingers soon after. What are lady fingers? They are fluffy, rightly brown biscuits shaped like lady's fingers. According to the recipe, you make tens of lady fingers and 2 round discs for the bottom and side of Tirami Su cake.

By the time the lady fingers are done, it was high time to get started making dinner! Oh, my goodness, I was busy!!

After dinner, I got started with Tirami Su filling to make.
When you make Tirami Su Cake, you have to be prepared. Prepared for whipping cream and egg white over and over again! Like thousands of times!! Gosh, I wished I had a mixing machine..
You need to whip egg white too when making lady fingers. .. I don't know why, although I exactly followed the recipe, I ran out of the batter!! Why, why, why was that??!!!! I tried to make it up somehow but, you know, short is short. I remade a quarter of amount. ... the exhausting whipping again.. I got much more tired imagining another egg white and whipping cream to whip for Tirami Su filling ...

Making Tirami Su cake is time-sensitive.
You have to be efficient. If you fool around, the whipped egg white will collapse quickly. The gelatin you melt in water will be set quickly as well. I am like thousands of miles away from "efficiency." Sadly, it is true. Oh, gosh, I am slow..
So, I was very happy when I finished with the Tirami Su successfully !

I made simmered Shiitake mushroom and Kan-pyou for Maki-Shushi that I am going to make tomorrow, after that. A lot of work. It was half past 11 when I finished them all.. I am exhausted now. I think I can sleep soundly tonight..


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