
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Jack smeared

2011-02-02 | what's up?

Feb 2, 2011 


It should be dog's nature but I just can't stand it!  Jack, my cute black dog, got as stinky as half-rotten garbage this morning "AGAIN."  sigh...  

He seems to like smell of cow and horse shit and also deer's dropping a lot. In particular, he loves to wear it. Once he is attracted by those stuffs, he starts to roll around on them again and again. After that it looks like his black coat is wearing yellow ocher veil or dusted by completely dried sand.  ...And the smell...!!! It just kept me from touching him.  What a mismatch how he looks and his innocent smile are!  

This morning Jack and I was walking along a path in a small park.  No one else was there so I unleashed him.  He is timid enough that he cannot explore around by himself. No need to worry he gets lost. However,  I should have worried if there is something STINKY ...!  I saw him being curious about something over a hill but it was too far from me to recognize what it was.  I was like, 'Ah...!'  when he started to roll around... Too late.

We had to visit my uncle's after that... I took smelly Jack with me.  Of course,  he couldn't have permission to enter my uncle's house...


I really want to ask all the dogs in the world why they do such a weird stuff????? 




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