
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Randy Taguchi's essays

2007-10-16 | books & comics
Oct 16, 2007 /

I just finished to read an essay written by Randy Taguchi, the columnist.
When I was around 28, I was into novels and essays of hers. Her expression was very strong that there must have been lots of Pros and Cons on her opinions.

At the period, I just got back from half-a-year holiday named "Language Study Abroad" in Australia. It was fruitful time there. I learnt how to make efforts "willingly." You may be surprised, I did not know the preasure to acheave something after makeing great efforts. In my small world, things given to me used to be everything. I envied those who had more than me but never tried to be like the one. I was not competitive at all because in my small world there was no competition. I give up from the beginning to be more than myself. No, it is not correct. I did not give up but had totally no idea how to try. I even had no idea what trying was. In Australia, I learnt how wonderful to enjoy making myself improved. What a preasure! I believed that I could do everything whenever I try hard enough, which of caurse wasn't true. As you may know, it is impossible anyway when it is impossible how much you try hard. I did not understand that because I was naive.

I felt at the time that what Randy-san said in her essays really explained my inner face. Sometimes it was too strong almost like off the hook but still energetic enough to attract me.

And this time, I read her book for the first time in years though, I found myself into it no more. However, still, she has a point. I still agree her opinions though.



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Hide-san (sassia)
2007-10-29 08:51:28
Hi Hide-san,

Many thanks for checking her!

I cannot say which piece is my favorite.. Hmm. I have been more interested in her feelings rather than what she wrote. She was having domestic problems. Her elder brother was a nowhere-kid till he is in his 40s and died from humger in his room. Her father was a fisher man who was away from home half a year every year. He beats her family when he was at home drunk. I am interested in how she managed the dificulties and got over it.
I thought she could be my guide.

Unknown (Hide)
2007-10-25 03:36:17
Randy Taguchi, I checked her by inter net.
Which novels is your favorite one?

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