日本語で 、「Trumpの謎、30万人の日本人がcovid-19で死亡した場合、安倍はどうなるのだろうか?」
Trump said: "I could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Ave. of New York. and I wouldn't lose voters." Who in the world dare to say that? However, in reality Trump has accomplished far more than this.
Under Trump's leadership, while covid-19 outbreak in America was two months later than in China and half a month later than in Japan and South Korea, its infection counts and death toll were roughly 100 times higher. Anyone with a fair mind and good judgment can see that Trump's treatmen to covid-19 was a disastrous failure, and Trump's words, deeds and policies chosen to deal with the pandemic were a pile of jokes. Under this circumstance, Trump was still able to get 74 million votes in the 2020 election, accounting for 47%, just 4.4#% less than Biden's 51.4%. This result is an unbelievable enigma. For any democratic country it is desirable to avoid such a thing, so it is worthwhile to analyze the causes that led to this.
What if other well-known national leaders made the same blunder as Trump? Here I'm jokingly speculating, please don't take it too seriously.
- Shenzo Abe.
Even though Abe had been a well established strong prime minister, however, if 300K people died from coronavirus in Japan under Abe's leadership, Abe will probably face intense pressure to commit suicide. Whether Abe can resist and survive is unknown.
- Putin or Xi Jinping
These two are the supreme leaders of their countries. Probably no one dare to criticize them publicly. Apologizing and then resigning, or impeachment are all out of the question. However, there will definitely be a buzzing of complaint and criticism in private talks. These buzzing may make them feel chill in their spines, after all, there were strong men like Khrushchev in history who seizes an opportunity to launch a coup.
- Moon Jae-in
There would be large-scale protests and demonstrations in South Korea. President Moon Jae-in could likely be impeached or even sentenced and imprisoned.
It can be seen that no national leader dares to downplay covid19 like Trump. They all took it very seriously.
As a contrast, Trump not only dared to downplay covid19, but also foolishly and fearlessly confessed all his downplaying to Bob Woodward, who is a famous journalist known as the presidency crusher. While the Trump camp was waging a tough campaign trying to spin his own fault to China with a slogan like "China lied, People died", the disclosing of his interview recording by Bob Woodward exploded directly to his face in the most timely way. How unbelievable everything happen in so dramatically !
However, Trump still acquired 47% of total votes. Not only that, he refused to admit defeat, spread rumors that the election had been rigged, and openly planned to use the army to launch a coup. So Trump is really a fearless guy. He is not afraid of God. Although he pretends to be religious, he almost never attend church, which wastes his precious time that was fully occupied with getting married and then divorced over and over, and playing with models or porn stars like Stormy Daniels etc. He despises laws, rules, morality and public opinion, because he has powerful ability to distort facts and spin public opinion to his favor. Guys like Trump only exist in fictional dramas: Cell in "Dragon BALL Z "!
I guess there are several factors or tactics that help Trump to achieve these:
- Boogeyman tactics
It's a simple and effective tactic.
Hitler was the master of boogeyman tactics. The Jews were his bogeymen.
Looking for an easy target and setting it up as the enemy of the general public, making it the biggest threat to all through slandering and exaggerations. When everyone is busy dealing with the fabricated "huge threat", any mistakes or even crimes that Trump has committed will be overlooked.
When everyone accepted his deceptive ideas, he became the spokesman for everyone's common interests and the leader of all. In the process of bullying the boogeyman together, everyone has found common interest and common enemy, an emotional bond of comrade in battle will also be planted into people's mind.
Trump has many bogeymen, in American domestic politics, there are black people, Latinos, immigrants, his so-called "swamp", "deep state", and China. Internationally, it's also China.
The essence of boogeyman tactics is vilifying, exaggeration and misleading. According to the propaganda of U.S. government (the Trump regime is a prominent one), authoritarian country is a threat to democracy and to international peace. In fact, only countries that export their authoritarian ideology are a threat to democracy, such as the former Soviet Union. The political threat of democracy to an authoritarian country is much greater than the threat in reverse direction, since democracy is more stable than autocracy. Secondly, wars may also happen between democratic countries, for example, Turkey and Greece, Japan and South Korea.
In fact, the United States poses the biggest threat to all countries in the world, because it has the military power to overwhelm any country in the world and the hegemonic system to ensure its interests maximized. Although America is democratic, the U.S. government only serves the interests of American voters, and does not care about the interests of the Japanese, the Germans, and so on. Think about it. South Koreans and Germans not only provide land and funds for U.S. military deployment in their countries, but also have to sacrifice their own economic interests to obey America's dictating. For example, buying Iranian oil and Russian natural gas, both of which they need very much, are not allowed by US. I think they must feel oppressed and painful.
By using bogeyman tactics, Trump became the leader of U.S. and U.S. became the leader of the world.
- A devil team
In his own words, "I only hire the best." How good are they then?
His secretary of state Pompeo is a real rascal. In a speech to students of an American university, he said: "Have you all been taught not to lie, cheat and steal? But, I tell you that we lied, we cheated and we stole. The world out there is really tough! " Pompeo was teaching American students that because you are living in a tough world, so you should not listen to the preach that tells you not to lie, not to cheat and not to steal, instead you should do lie, do cheat, do steal!
Navarro, his another senior official, is similar to Pompeo. Navarro claimed that "the Chinese government used the corona virus as a biological weapon and deliberately sent people infected with it to the whole world, so that it can be spread around the world." Perhaps Navarro is the only senior government official in the world to make such unfounded, totally bull shit and malicious accusation.
If Trump himself is a devil king, a Satan, then his team members are little demons by themselves. All of them have the ability of deceiving and slandering such that they can spin evil into good and vice versa.
- The power to distort and deceive plus a pervasive propaganda network
Trump's most ardent supporters are some white Americans at the bottom of social strata. For example, Cesar Sayoc, who is actually an unemployed vagrant and occasionally does some stripper work. There is neither commonality nor common interest between him and Trump, an arrogant and ostentatious self-aggrandized billionaire who represents the rich class. Sayoc expressed his hope that Trump be his adoptive father. He even made pipe-bombs and mailed these to Trump's political opponents. For this, he got sentenced and jailed, not too bad for him considering that he can now have regular meals. Objectively speaking, a person like him should be a leftist and choose Bernie Sanders as his adoptive father, which is more in line with his class status.
How amazing it is that the brainwashing power of the Trump administration has transformed the lower class people who should be leftists into hardcore fans of a right-wing fake billionaire who represents the rich class !
- Use government resources and money to buy or gang up with foreign organizations to boost Trump's propaganda on the Internet and social media platforms.
The Trump camp has ganged up with right-wing organizations in many countries. For example, Russia, Japan, Australia, Britain, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.
It is reported that a research institution in Australia has received a big sum of fund from America.
The Epoch Times, a media unit of Falun Gong which is a cult expelled from China, has grown up notably in the process of helping Trump. See https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/technology/epoch-times-influence-falun-gong.html . It has been reported that the Epoch Times has deep pocket and spent a lot of money on advertising on social media. According to Facebook, the Epoch Times employs a number of Vietnamese to raise their ranking on social media.
If we connect the dots, the most likely thing that happened is that Trump's secretary of state, the former CIA boss , Pompeo, embezzled US government funds to foreign organizations under the disguise of promoting democracy abroad etc. Some of them even hired Vietnamese to reduce costs. Of course, all of these are also serving Trump.
- Release or breed malice in the masses by exemplifying with his own words and deeds, hook up with villains and strengthen the evil power.
As an animal, human has both good and evil in its nature. The ratio of good to evil changes with time and places. When evil prevails, conflict, war and destruction become the main theme. Conversely, peace, cooperation and construction become the main theme.
Apart from the initial large sum of wealth inherited, Trump's later wealth acquisition abounded with deception, speculation and robbery. He went bankrupt many times. However, his personal wealth has not been reduced, but increased at the expense of his lenders' heavy losses. His Trump university is a textbook example of fraud and cheating. He is famously known as a pathological liar and being amoral with no bottom line. He is shameless, he brags that he is a master of bankruptcy and he can take advantage of loopholes in laws.
When such a person constantly show off as a successful rich man in the public eyes, Trump not only glorify unethical behavior, but also entice and embolden villains in the populace. He has established himself as a center where the bad guys can connect and unite.
He encouraged and connived at domestic racism, which let some lower class people see a hope that they could rise up in social stratum by bullying and depriving other people just by their race and skin color. Internationally, he encourages zealous nationalism, advocates and practices "America First" doctrine, which especially caters to lower class people who have no advantages otherwise, so that they can now hope to rise above others by bullying and robbing people of other countries (such as "keep the oil" of Syria).
Under Trump's encouragement, malicious people grow in number and power. Right wing extremists thrive and racial related hate crime rate rises up. What Trump has done in America is similar to what Hitler had done in Germany, although to a lesser extent, but it is not because Trump is a better person than Hitler, but because he has met stronger resistance in America.
- Band up with the right-wing media to form a formidable disinformation powerhouse and brainwash machine. Attack all uncooperative media as fake news.
The American mainstream media have mercilessly exposed and attacked Trump. If those revelations are false, Trump can sue them for slander by legal means, so as to deal the mainstream media a heavy blow. The way that Trump chooses not to resort to legal means suggests that the mainstream media's exposure of Trump is largely true.
Instead, Trump chooses to band up with right-wing media and disparage the mainstream media as fake news, thus deny the very credibility of the mainstream media and neuter them altogether.
The credibility of a country's mainstream media is the foundation of its democratic system. Trump has been attacking this foundation since he came to power. Now Trump fans only listen to Trump, any voices different are deemed fake or betraying. So now Trump has the power of a dictator among the tens of millions of Trump fans, roughly a third of the total U.S. population.
- Build up his reputation and momentum, coerce and encourage his former opponents to join his camp, so as to form positive feedback to his momentum.
Before Trump was elected president in 2016, there were many opponents who strongly criticized Trump. Many of these people are opportunists. When they see Trump's strength becoming stronger, they abandon their previous position and join the Trump camp. The most typical one is Ted Cruz, a U.S. senator. There have been many exchanges between Cruz and trump. Cruz once described Trump as "a pathological liar who has no moral bottom line." however, Cruz later chose to cooperate with this amoral pathological liar and became a staunch supporter of Trump.
here's a photo that I ran into by chance. Trump may be sentenced and jailed, but probably not because of his stupid and disastrous decision and policy to deal with covid19, but more likely because of all kinds of fraud, embezzlement, or tax evasion.