


2020-11-14 | 時事

Covid-19に関する陰謀説のほとんどは、右翼米国人たちが中国を誹謗中傷しようとすることによって永続化されてきました。 私はあなたがこれを聞いたことがないことを賭けます。このcovid-19パンデミックは、中国に対する米国によるバイオアタックであった可能性がありますが、非常に残念なことに、米国に対して反対の影響を及ぼしました。


Covid-19, A bio-attack on China by Trump administration backfired?

Most of the conspiracy theories about covid-19 are perpetuated by right-wing Americans in attempts to smear China. I bet that you have never heard this one: This covid-19 pandemic might be a bio-attack launched by USA on China, but very unluckily it backfired to America. 

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 https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-alerted-israel-nato-to-disease-outbreak-in-china-in-november-report/ ,

The most important evidence is from an Israel news media,

https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-alerted-israel-nato-to-disease-outbreak-in-china-in-november-report/ ,

どのレポート(which reports):

" 米国、11月にイスラエルとNATOに中国での病気発生を警告 : TV 報道

"US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report"

2019年12月に中国の武漢でcovid-19の散発的な症例が発生する可能性があることを私たちは知っています、そして発生が深刻になったのは2020年1月以来であり、その後中国はこのパンデミックに気づき始め、すぐに武漢の封鎖が続いた。どのように、アメリカ人は彼らが彼らの同盟国に警戒するために遠くまで行った重大な病気があるということを知っていましたか 、中国人がそれを知る前に? これはもっと奇妙なことができない、それについて考えてみよう!

We know that, in Dec 2019 there might be some sporadic cases of covid-19 in Wuhan China, and it's was only during Jan 2020 when the outbreak got serious then China started to realize this pandemic, soon followed by the Wuhan lockdown.  How could Americans knew that there would be a serious disease that they went so far as to alert its allies before Chinese even knew it? Think about it, this can't be more weird !

ここではこの問題に関する詳細な分析があります: https://consortiumnews.com/2020/03/18/china-locked-in-hybrid-war-with-us/

There are more in-depth analysis about this matter here: https://consortiumnews.com/2020/03/18/china-locked-in-hybrid-war-with-us/

これが真実であるならば、Trump政権は確かに地球上で最も凶悪な行政です。Ted Cruzス上院議員は、Trumpについてこう言いました:無ボトムラインとの不道徳な男、病的な嘘つき。



If this was true, then the Trump administration is surely the most evil administration on earth. Remember US senator Ted Cruz said this about Trump: an amoral man with no bottom line, a pathological liar.

Of course, neither US government nor western media will ever talk about this. So will not the mainstream media of Japan talk about this. I can't help to wonder if Japan was also alerted by America, maybe some journalist can dig up something interesting about this issue.

But the world have a right to know the truth, nothing but the total truth.

US Alert Israel well before covid19 outbreak


In the upcoming article, I will talk more about the Trump goons' smear campaign against China and how its various lies often contradict with each other.



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