
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:下院で女性への暴力の地球的問題に関する公聴会



 (Washington, DC, October 20, 2009) – The US State Department’s ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, is scheduled to testify about violence against women on October 21, 2009, before the House Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight.

(ワシントンDC,2009年10月20日)-米国国務省地球女性問題全権大使、メラニー・バービー(Melanne Verveer)が2009年10月21日、下院外交委員会国際機関・人権・監督小委員会で女性への暴力について証言する予定である。

Given that the State Department issued its new policy on Sudan on October 19, stating that it intends to work to reduce sexual and gender-based violence in Sudan and given the scale of the problem in Sudan, Verveer should be prepared to address that issue at the hearing, and to offer more specifics about what steps it intends to take, Human Rights Watch said.


Human Rights Watch noted after the policy was issued that it would be helpful if concrete benchmarks were publicly articulated for progress on key human rights issues, including sexual violence.


Human Rights Watch has long advocated US leadership on sexual violence in conflict, including support for UN Security Council actions in this area in recent years.


In her testimony at a similar hearing in the Senate on October 1, Verveer focused heavily on sexual violence in conflict, noting the US government’s growing interest and action on this topic in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan. She repeatedly cited Sudan as a country where women and girls have been singled out for sexual abuse, but failed to give any specifics about plans to address the issue there.


“The lack of specifics in the Sudan policy about how the US intends to address this critical issue makes it clear that this is an important subject to be raised at the hearing and that legislative action may be needed to help address the issue there,” said Marianne Mollmann, women’s rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch.


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