
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ エジプト:外国人の人権保護活動家は釈放されたものの、エジプト人活動家は拘束を受けたまま



(New York, February 4, 2011) - Egyptian authorities on February 4, 2011, released researchers from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and two foreign journalists, but should immediately free Egyptian colleagues who are still detained, Human Rights Watch said today.


"We are delighted our international colleagues have been released," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "But the Egyptian lawyers and rights monitors held should be freed at once."


Those released among more than 30 people arbitrarily arrested on February 3, 2011, were Daniel Williams, a Human Rights Watch researcher; Amnesty International researcher Said Haddadi and a female colleague; and two foreign reporters.

2011年2月3日に恣意的に逮捕された30名以上の人々の内、釈放されたのは、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ調査員ダニエル・ウィリアムズ(Daniel Williams)、アムネスティ・インターナショナル調査員サイド・ハダディ(Said Haddadi)とその同僚女性及び外国人記者2名だった。

Remaining in detention are Ahmed Seif Al Islam, the former director of the Hisham Mubarak Law Center, and at least nine other lawyers associated with the Hisham Mubarak Law Center or volunteers from the Front to Defend Egypt's Protesters.

ヒシュハム・ムバラク・法律・センター(Hisham Mubarak Law Center)の元所長アフメド・セイフ・アル・イスラム(Ahmed Seif Al Islam)と同センターと関係を持つ少なくとも9名の弁護士、もしくはエジプト人抗議運動参加者防衛戦線(Front to Defend Egypt's Protesters)のボランティアが現在も拘束されている。

"The Egyptian government should never have arrested human rights monitors and journalists in the first place," said Roth. "The Egyptians still being held have a vital role to play as Egypt's crisis and serious human right abuses continue. The authorities need to free them without further delay."


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