
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:ブッシュへのジュネーブでの告訴は、拷問訴追の必要性を明らかに



(New York, February 7, 2011) – The US government should take the lead to investigate former US President George W. Bush and other senior officials for authorizing torture of terrorism suspects rather than leaving prosecutions to other countries, Human Rights Watch said today.


The failure of the US to investigate and prosecute Bush administration officials for torture was recently highlighted by criminal complaints that were to be filed with a prosecutor in Switzerland prior to a planned visit by President Bush to the country, Human Rights Watch said.


Ahead of a trip to Geneva where Bush was scheduled to address a charity gala on February 12, 2011, two individuals planned to file complaints with the Geneva Canton prosecutor against President Bush for authorizing torture and other ill-treatment. However, on February 5 the trip was cancelled amid reports there would be protests and criminal complaints filed against him.

2011年2月12日、ブッシュ前大統領は、チャリティー祝賀会の席上で演説する予定だった。そのジュネーブへの旅に先立ち、個人2名がジュネーブ州(Geneva Canton)検察官に、「ブッシュ前大統領が拷問その他の虐待行為を承認した。」という告訴状の提出を計画していたのである。ところが「抗議運動が起きる」更に「前大統領への刑事告発がされる」という報道が流れる中の2月5日、その旅行はキャンセルされてしまった。

“The threatened prosecution of President Bush in Switzerland shows that other countries will act against torture even if the US doesn’t,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “The US government needs to demonstrate that no official, including an ex-president, is above the law by authorizing prosecutors to investigate and prosecute this serious crime. President Bush’s bold and blatant admission that he ordered waterboarding is an obvious place to begin a criminal investigation.”


The complaints to be filed in Geneva alleged that one current Guantanamo detainee, previously detained incommunicado for years at a US Central Intelligence Agency “black site,” and another former Guantanamo detainee, endured beatings, shackling in stress positions, prolonged food and sleep deprivation, and extremes of heat and cold while in US custody. 

現在グアンタナモ収容所に拘束されており、以前米国中央情報局(C I A)の「秘密収容所(ブラックサイト)」で数年間に渡り隔離拘禁されていた者と、もう一人のグアンタナモ収容所に拘束されている者が、ジュネーブで提出されるはずだった告訴状で、「米国から拘束されている際に、暴行・苦痛を生じる姿勢で縛られる・食事と睡眠を長時間与えられない・非常に暑い若しくは寒い環境に放置される、などの仕打ちを受けた。」と訴えている。

The prosecution of Bush would have been authorized under Swiss law where courts may exercise jurisdiction over a person found in Switzerland suspected of criminal acts abroad when permitted by an international treaty.  This globally accepted basis of authority to prosecute is termed “universal jurisdiction,” and it has been applied, for instance, by the US government when it successfully prosecuted the son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor for torture in 2009 in US federal court.


Under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, to which Switzerland and the US are parties, countries are obligated to bring cases of alleged torture before their courts for prosecution whenever a suspected offender is in their territory, or extradite the accused to another jurisdiction where he will be prosecuted.

スイス及び米国がともに締約国である、拷問及び他の残虐な非人道的な又は品位を傷つける取り扱い又は刑罰に関する条約(拷問等禁止条約:Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)は各国に、自国領土内に犯罪容疑者が存在する場合、必ず拷問訴訟を自国の裁判の審理に付すよう、若しくは容疑者を訴追するだろう他の裁判権に、その者を引き渡すよう義務付けている。

The complaints that were going to be filed in Geneva alleged that the interrogation techniques used amounted to torture and that they were approved by President Bush and implemented by officials acting on his behalf.  The Center for Constitutional Rights and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, human rights groups that prepared the complaints, said although they did not file them because Bush cancelled his trip, they would do so at the next opportunity.

ジュネーブで提出に向かって進んでいた告訴状は、「行使された尋問術が拷問を構成するとともに、それらの手法をブッシュ大統領が承認し、大統領を代行する当局者が実行した。」と訴えている。この告訴を準備した、人権保護団体であるセンター・フォー・コンスティチューショナル・ライツ(Center for Constitutional Rights)及びヨーロピアン・センター・フォー・コンスティチューショナル・アンド・ヒューマン・ライツ(European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights)は、「ブッシュ前大統領が訪問をキャンセルしたので訴状を提出しなかったが、次の機会にはそうするつもりである。」と述べた。

“By failing to criminally investigate torture by Bush and other senior administration officials, the Obama administration is showing disdain for the rule of law,” Roth said. “This undermines respect for human rights at home and the credibility of the US voice in advancing human rights abroad.”


Bush has himself admitted that he authorized “waterboarding” and other so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” against alleged al Qaeda operatives, methods that amount to torture under international law.  On several occasions, beginning in April 2008 as well as in his 2010 memoir Decision Points, Bush said that he authorized use of waterboarding on the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Khalid Sheihk Mohammad, and suspected al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah.  The US government has prosecuted waterboarding, a form of mock execution simulating drowning, as a war crime for more than 100 years.

「水責め」その他「強化尋問術」と呼ばれ国際法の下では拷問となる手法のアルカイダ活動家容疑者への行使を、ブッシュ前大統領自身が許可したことを認めていた。2008年4月の初め、そして彼の回顧録『Decision Points(決断のとき)』ででも、ブッシュ前大統領は様々な機会に、2001年9月11日テロの首謀者と疑われるハリド・シェイク・モハメド(Khalid Sheihk Mohammad)及びアルカイダ活動家容疑者であるアブ・ズベイダ(Abu Zubaydah)に対して、「水責め」を許可したと語っている。米国政府は、溺死するような苦痛を与える模擬処刑である水責めを、100年以上も戦争犯罪として訴追してきた。

In interviews Bush has sought to justify the interrogation methods used on the grounds that Justice Department lawyers said that they were legal.  However, there is substantial evidence that senior Administration officials sought to influence the lawyers’ judgment.  In any event, the methods that Bush approved were so extreme that he should have known they constituted torture regardless of the legal advice he solicited from his Justice Department, Human Rights Watch said.


Although the US is also a party to Convention Against Torture and federal and state law impose criminal penalties for torture, the Obama administration has made no effort to date to hold senior Bush administration officials accountable for detainee abuse.  President Barack Obama has repeatedly expressed a reluctance to “look backwards” at alleged crimes committed during the previous administration and has specifically ruled out prosecuting CIA agents alleged to have committed abuses that the Justice Department deemed lawful.


“The US record on accountability for detainee abuse has been abysmal,” Roth said. “The official authorization of torture by a head of state should never go unpunished.”


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