2009年5月27日 弁護士兼スポークスパーソン リード・ブロディ
Spain has become the latest battleground in the fight over the soul of international justice. On Tuesday, its lower house of Parliament called for a limit on its universal jurisdiction law over international crimes, irrespective of where they are committed, to cases in which there are Spanish victims or the alleged perpetrator is on Spanish soil. If this is translated into law, victims of international crimes will lose one of the most hospitable fora for redress.
Spain earned its reputation as a haven for victims in 1998 when Judge Baltasar Garzón issued an arrest warrant for Chilean General Augusto Pinochet, triggering his arrest in London and setting off a justice cascade in Chile and throughout Latin America. Since then, Spanish courts have advanced investigations of alleged crimes in El Salvador and Guatemala, issued warrants for top Rwandan leaders and convicted an Argentine official for “dirty war” killings.
バルタサル・ガルソン(Baltasar Garzon)判事がチリ人アウグスト・ピノチェト (Augusto Pinochet )将軍に対して逮捕状を発布し、ロンドンで彼が逮捕される引き金となり、チリやラテンアメリカ全域で法の正義が、次から次へと実現するなどのキッカケとなった1998年、スペインは国際犯罪被害者の楽園としての評判を勝ち取った。以来スペインの裁判所はエル・サルバドル、グァテマラで行なわれたという犯罪疑惑への捜査を進め、ルワンダの最高指導者への逮捕状を発布し、アルゼンチン高官に「ダーティー・ウォー」による大量殺人容疑で有罪判決を下すなど、してきた。
But three recent cases involving powerful counties – over alleged crimes in Gaza, Tibet and Guantánamo – have put the law in jeopardy. Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos reportedly told Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni that he would seek to have the law changed, China has publicly protested to Spain, and it is widely believed that the Obama administration has leaned on the Spanish government as well. While it is unlikely that these cases will lead to extraditions and trials in Spain, they can help justice to emerge. There is a hope among human rights activists, for instance, that, just as Spain’s arrest warrant against Pinochet eventually led Chile to start its own prosecutions against Pinochet, the Guantánamo cases in Spain will help persuade the Obama administration to establish a true accountability process in the United States.
しかし、ガザ地区、チベット、グアンタナモなどでの犯罪疑惑に関する、強大な国を巻き込んでの最近のケースが、この法律を弱体化した。伝えられるところによると、外務大臣ミゲル・アンヘル・モラティノス(Miguel Ángel Moratinos)は、「同法改正を求める。」、「中国が正式に抗議した。」、とイスラエル外務大臣ツィピ・リヴニ(Tzipi Livni)に述べたようであり、また、オバマ政権も同様にスペイン政府に圧力を掛けていると広く考えられている。これらのケースがスペインへの容疑者の引渡やスペインでの裁判をもたらすという可能性は低いものの、法の正義を実現する支援にはなり得る。実例を挙げれば、スペインがピノチェトに逮捕状を発布しただけの行為が、結果的にはチリでピノチェトへの起訴開始をもたらし、スペインでグアンタナモ裁判が起きる事が、真に説明責任を保証するプロセスを米国で確立するよう、オバマ政権を説得する手助けとなる、という希望が人権保護活動家の間にはある。
While one can understand the quandary of the Spanish government, it would be a shame if it capitulated to diplomatic pressure, as Belgium did in 2003 after then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld threatened to move NATO headquarters if Belgium did not repeal its law after a suit against US officials. It would confirm a growing sentiment – fueled by the dismissal of cases in France and Germany against U.S. officials accused of crimes against detainees, and the International Criminal Court’s focus thus far on Africa - that international justice targets only the leaders of weak states while officials of powerful countries have the muscle to prevent accountability.
There is evidence that the Spanish public is proud of their country’s role in promoting justice. In the Pinochet case, the Spanish public and press stood up time and again to attempts by the then-center-right government to block Judge Garzón’s warrants. This time, both the Socialist government and the conservative opposition have highlighted the diplomatic costs to Spain. The next few weeks will tell whether Spanish pride prevails or whether power politics will once again allow impunity to regain a foothold.