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(Nairobi December 15, 2014) – Heavily-armed criminals are subjecting residents of northern Côte d’Ivoire to a relentless pace of often-violent attacks on buses and private vehicles and in villages, Human Rights Watch said today. Security forces have largely failed to protect the population or investigate the crimes.


To address the increasingly violent crimes, the Ivorian government should urgently increase patrols in hard-hit areas and adequately equip the police and gendarmes to protect the population. The government should also disarm the former combatants widely believed to be implicated in the attacks and ensure that the criminal justice system can fully investigate and prosecute the crimes.


“People living, working, and traveling in northern Côte d’Ivoire are being terrorized by armed men who appear to operate with little fear of being stopped, much less prosecuted,” said Corinne Dufka, West Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The Ivorian government needs to protect people against these relentless and often violent attacks.”


In October 2014, Human Rights Watch conducted over 40 interviews with traders, bus owners, drivers and passengers; members of the security forces; government officials in Abidjan and in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire’s second-largest city; local and international aid workers; representatives of immigrant populations; and representatives of the United Nations Mission in Côte d’Ivoire and the European Union.


Human Rights Watch documented 15 violent attacks by armed gangs, in which at least 4 drivers and passengers were killed and at least 22 people were wounded. Credible reports from Bouaké residents provided details of eight more attacks around Bouaké. All but two of these attacks took place in 2014.


A 34-year-old bus driver described an attack on his bus in July in which he was shot three times, and two passengers – a retired court clerk and a teacher – died from bullet wounds. “They shot the tires and sprayed the front of the bus,” he said. “I lost control of the bus and we went off the road into the bushes... The blood was running so much, I fell over.”


Witnesses and local authorities said that banditry has long been a problem in the north, with a concentrated period of attacks in 2011 and 2012. But residents universally noted that, after improving somewhat in 2013, the situation has progressively and dramatically worsened in 2014.


Victims, witnesses, and northern residents described almost daily attacks by as few as 2 men or groups of as many as 15, armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, pistols, and in some instances, rocket propelled grenades. They described a pattern in which men emerged from vegetation alongside the highway and shot into the air to force drivers to stop. If the driver did not stop, they aimed directly at the vehicle, often targeting the driver himself or indiscriminately spraying the vehicle with bullets.


Victims said security forces generally failed to provide regular and adequate patrols to prevent attacks, or to investigate and bring the attackers to account. Drivers said that long stretches of road without a visible presence of the security forces has left them and travelers vulnerable to attack.


Victims who reported attacks to the security forces said in many cases that the security forces did not investigate or carried out a superficial investigation after victims filed a police report. Many said they have given up reporting attacks because of the lack of response. Justice officials in Bouaké said that the courts in their jurisdiction had adjudicated only a handful of violent robbery cases so far in 2014.


There were attacks at any time of day or night, and criminals often stayed in one spot for hours, robbing every traveler passing by, while holding others at gunpoint. Victims, witnesses, and local authorities described a spike in attacks around the major holidays including Christmas, New Year, Easter, and Eid al-Adha, and on market days, when travelers were more likely to have gifts, money for their family, or the profits from their labor.


Local authorities and members of the security forces said that in general they lack the resources to conduct adequate patrols, respond quickly to attacks, and investigate crimes. One gendarme said they often do not follow up on reports because they spend the majority of their time in the field patrolling.


Most victims and witnesses believed the attackers are former fighters from the years of armed conflict in the country because their weapons are similar to those used by the armed factions, because of the military-style formation of the attacks and because many former fighters live near and in Bouaké.


The security situation in northern Côte d’Ivoire has been unstable since a military rebellion split the country in half in 2002. In 2009, the rebel New Forces marginally handed over control of the north to civilian authorities. But rebel commanders continued to exercise considerable control over security and judicial affairs in the north until the end of the 2011 post-election crisis and were loath to take action against the tens of thousands of former combatants who had fought with them. The presence of large numbers of former combatants in the north, who have yet to be disarmed, reintegrated into society or absorbed into the armed forces undermines security in the north.


Residents and drivers described feeling traumatized by the violence. Many said they were afraid to travel. One woman described the terror she felt during an attack on the Bouaké-Korhogo highway in March: “There was a long gunfight, everyone was panicked and screaming. In the moment I really thought of my child – I had left her at the house that morning and believed I would never see her again. But it was when I saw the male passengers trembling like children that I got really scared.”


Witnesses and victims universally pointed to the slow pace of the disarmament and reintegration as a key factor contributing to the problem. Tens of thousands of youth supported the rebel New Forces during the country’s 2002-2003 civil war and ensuing political stalemate, or took up arms in 2010 to remove former president Laurent Gbagbo, greatly contributing to a proliferation of small arms, particularly Kalashnikov assault rifles.


The government has made some progress in disarming former combatants. As of October 2014, the government had disarmed and demobilized over 21,000 former combatants, provided 30,000 with support to return to civilian lives and collected 7,429 weapons. But large numbers of former fighters – 43,000 people, according to the UN – remain armed and unemployed. The process has been largely controlled by former rebel zone commanders, now integrated into the army, who maintain close ties to armed combatants not officially registered in the armed forces but loyal to their former commanders.


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