In response to a global advocacy campaign led by Human Rights Watch, the UN General Assembly held a rare revote on a resolution protecting people from extrajudicial killings. As a result of our advocacy, an overwhelming majority voted in favor of granting the same protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as to all others whose lives are threatened.
The provision on sexual orientation was first added to the UN resolution on extrajudicial killings in 1999 at the insistence of the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture, whose findings evidenced the link between homophobia, perceived sexual orientation, and fatal hate crimes in a number of places around the world. During a November 2010 meeting of the UN committee that oversees decisions on human rights, that part of the resolution was removed. The initiative for the provision’s removal was spearheaded, ostensibly for religious and cultural reasons, by some members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and of the United Nation’s African Regional Group, including Uganda, South Africa, and Rwanda.
「同性愛嫌悪(性的指向と考えられる)と世界の多くの地域で起こっている憎悪殺人の間には関連性がある。」と国連拷問問題特別報告官の調査結果が立証したのですが、その報告官の強い勧めに基づき、1999年、超法規的処刑に関する国連決議に、性的指向に関する規定が初めて付け加えられました。しかし人権に関する様々な判決を監視する国連委員会が、2010年11月の会合の際、同決議の当該部分を削除してしまったのです。当該規定削除に向け、宗教的・文化的理由を表向き掲げて、運動の陣頭指揮を執ったのは、イスラム諸国会議機構(Organization of the Islamic Conference)加盟国とウガンダ・南アフリカ・ルワンダを含む国連のアフリカグループ(United Nation’s African Regional Group)に属する国々の一部でした。
Boris Dittrich, Human Rights Watch’s LGBT rights advocacy director, quickly realized that a UN event he was co-organizing to celebrate International Human Rights Day on December 10 could be used as a catalyst to prompt a revote. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice were invited, and both accepted. Ban opened the session by calling for an end to laws that criminalize consenting homosexual conduct. Rice, during her keynote speech, announced that the United States sought to reopen the debate on the controversial amendment at a meeting of the UN General Assembly just 11 days later.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチLGBT者の権利支援局長ボリス・ディートリッヒは、12月10日の国際人権デイを祝うために自身が共催していた国連のイベントが、再投票を促す触媒として利用できると直ぐに気がつきました。潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)国連事務総長とスーザン・ライス(Susan Rice)米国国連大使を招待し、両者はそれを受け入れたのです。潘事務総長が、同意に基づく同性愛行為を犯罪とする法律の撤廃を求める会議を開催し、ライス大使はその基調演説で、11日後の国連総会で論議を呼んでいる修正事項に関し討論再開を求める、と表明しました。
In the intervening period, Human Rights Watch got to work, mounting a powerful campaign to swing a majority in favor of undoing the homophobic amendment.
Human Rights Watch’s South Africa director, Sipho Mthathi, ramped up pressure on the government in Pretoria, while reaching out to South African LGBT rights groups urging them to do the same. Boris Dittrich made a prominent media appearance on South African television in which he questioned South Africa’s stance on the amendment. South Africa, which has quite robust protections for the LGBT community in its constitution, had voted in favor of the amendment that would remove protections for LGBT people.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ南アフリカ局長シフォ・ムハティは、南アフリカ政府への働き掛けを強化する一方、南アフリカのLGBT者の権利擁護グループに同じようにすることを強く求めました。前出のボリス・ディートリッヒも、南アフリカのテレビの人気番組に登場し、「同性愛嫌悪に基づく国連決議修正」に対する南アフリカ政府の姿勢に疑問を投げかけたのです。憲法でLGBTの人々への断固とした保護を規定しているのにもかかわらず、 南アフリカはLGBT者への保護を削除する修正案に賛成票を投じていたからです。
Meanwhile, Philippe Bolopion, Human Rights Watch’s UN advocacy director, and Boris Dittrich contacted as many diplomats ahead of the reopened debate as possible. This outreach helped secure fresh support from many countries, including a block of seven countries in the Caribbean Community (Caricom). Following meetings with UN mission diplomats from Colombia and Suriname, Boris reached out to mobilize LGBT human rights activists in these countries, encouraging them to challenge their country’s vote on the amendment. Ultimately, both of these countries changed their vote, as did South Africa.
During the final vote by the General Assembly, the UN ambassador from Rwanda made a strong statement in favor of undoing the homophobic amendment. Together with cooperation from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and Gabon, our efforts led to an overwhelming majority of 94 countries in favor of restoring the resolution to ensure that LGBT people would continue to be protected.