2008年12月22日、自らを「民主主義と発展のための国民評議会(CNDD)」と呼ぶギニア軍将校の一団が、24年間ギニアの大統領だったランサナ・コンテ(Lansana Conté)の死亡数時間後に、政権を掌握した。CNDDは自らを大統領であると称するムサ・ダディス・カマラ(Moussa Dadis Camara)大尉に率いられている。
“周りにある壁に向かって走った。バスケットボール場の近くで、レッドベレーとティエグボロの憲兵[麻薬密輸及び重大犯罪との闘い担当国務大臣ムサ・ティエグボロ・カマラ大尉(Moussa Tiegboro Camara):CNDD総裁ダディス・カマラの親族ではない]の集団に追いかけられた。俺たち8人のグループにヤツラ撃ってきて、3人だけ生きて逃げられた。[ガマル・アブデル・ナセル:Gamal Abdel Nasser]大学に面した壁の近くで撃たれ、5人は殺された。”
フーラ族犠牲者の多くは民族性を理由にして、脅迫され虐待されてきたと報告している。例えば、制服を着てレッドベレーを被った男たちにギャングレイプされたある女性は、如何に襲撃者たちが繰り返し彼女の民族性に言い及んでいたかを、説明していた。:「今日俺たちはお前らに教えてやる。お前らの悪巧みにはウンザリだよ。フーラ族なんて皆殺しにしてやるぜ。」と言っていたそうだ。コウンダラ(Koundara)軍事基地に数日間拘束されていた、ある若い男性はレッドベレーにピストルを頭に押し当てられ、「お前ら俺たちをイヤダって言ってるんだってな。セロウ[フーラ族を率いている政府反対派候補者セロウ・ダレイン・ディアロウ(Cellou Dalein Diallo )のこと]”の方がイイって言ってるんだって。皆殺しにしてやるよ。俺たちがノシテ行くんだ。」と言ったと説明した。
Human Rights Watch’s research confirms that the death toll of the September 28 massacre was much higher than the government’s official toll of 57 dead, and is more likely to be about 150 to 200 dead. According to hospital records, interviews with witnesses and medical personnel, and the records collected by opposition political parties and local human rights organizations, at least 1,000 people were wounded during the attack on the stadium. Human Rights Watch found strong evidence that the government engaged in a systematic attempt to hide the evidence of the crimes. During the afternoon of September 28, members of the Presidential Guard seized control of the two main morgues in Conakry and prevented families from recovering the bodies of their relatives.
In the hours that followed, witnesses and family members said, soldiers, most wearing red berets, removed bodies from the city morgues and collected bodies from the stadium, then took them to military bases and concealed them. Human Rights Watch investigated more than 50 cases of confirmed deaths from the massacre and found that half of those bodies had been taken away by the military, including at least six that had initially been taken to the main Donka Hospital morgue.
For example, the body of Mamadou “Mama” Bah, a 20-year-old student killed on September 28, was transported to Donka morgue by the local Red Cross. The body disappeared and has not been recovered. Bah’s father described what he experienced to Human Rights Watch:
“The Red Cross took the body to Donka Hospital morgue, and I followed them myself. At the hospital, I spoke to the doctors and they told me I should come back the next day to collect the body. But the next day, the morgue was encircled by red berets who refused anyone access. We tried to negotiate with them, but they refused. On Friday, I went to the Grand Fayçal Mosque when they displayed the bodies from Donka morgue, but his body wasn’t there. It had disappeared.”
“赤十字が遺体をドンカ病院安置所に運び、私は赤十字の後をついていった。病院で私は医者と話しをし、先生たちは遺体を引き取りに明日もう一度来なさいと言ったんだ。でも次の日安置所はレッドベレーに取り囲まれていて、誰も入れてくれなかった。交渉しようとしたけれど断られた。金曜日にグランド・ファイサル・モスク(Grand Fayçal Mosque)に行った、レッドベレーがドンカ安置所の遺体をそこで見せていたからだ。でもそこにも息子の遺体はなかった。消えてしまったんだ。”
Hamidou Diallo, a 26-year-old shoe salesman, was shot in the head and killed at the stadium. A close friend, who was wounded, watched the red berets remove Diallo’s body from the stadium and take it away to an unknown location. Despite an extensive search of the morgue and the military bases, the family was unable to find Diallo’s body.
26歳の靴のセールスマン、ハミドゥ・ディアロ(Hamidou Diallo)はスタジアムで頭部を撃たれ殺害された。負傷した親友の1人はレッドベレーが彼の遺体を何処かに運び去って行くのを見た。安置所や軍の基地を懸命に探したが、家族はディアロの遺体を見つけられなかった。
One witness inside the Almamy Samory Touré military camp described to Human Rights Watch how in the hours after the massacre, the military brought 47 bodies from the stadium to the camp, and then later that evening went to the morgue that he was told was at the Ignace Deen Hospital and collected an additional 18 bodies. The witness further stated that the 65 bodies were taken from the military base in the middle of the night, allegedly to be buried in mass graves.
アルマミー・サモリー・トウレ(Almamy Samory Touré)軍基地内部の目撃者はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、虐殺の数時間後に軍がスタジアムから47遺体を基地に運び込んだ様子と、その日の夜イガンス・ディーン(Ignace Deen)病院に行くよう彼が言われ、そこから更に18遺体を回収した様子を説明してくれた。その目撃者は更に、その夜中65遺体が基地から運び出され、まとめて埋められたらしい、とハッキリ述べていた。
Widespread Rape and Sexual Violence
The Presidential Guard, and to a lesser extent gendarmes, carried out widespread rape and sexual violence against dozens of girls and women at the stadium, often with such extreme brutality that their victims died from the wounds inflicted.
Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed 27 victims of sexual violence, the majority of whom were raped by more than one person. Witnesses described seeing at least four women murdered by members of the Presidential Guard after being raped, including women who were shot or bayoneted in the vagina. Some victims were penetrated with gun barrels, shoes, and wooden sticks.
Victims and witnesses have described how rapes took place publicly inside the stadium, as well as in several areas around the stadium grounds, including the nearby bathroom area, the basketball courts, and the annex stadium. In addition to the rapes committed at the stadium, many women described how they were taken by the Presidential Guard from the stadium and from a medical clinic where they had sought treatment to private residences, where they endured days and nights of brutal gang rape. The level, frequency, and brutality of sexual violence that took place at and after the protests strongly suggests that it was part of a systematic attempt to terrorize and humiliate the opposition, not just random acts by rogue soldiers.
A 35-year-old teacher described to Human Rights Watch how she was gang raped at the stadium:
“After the shooting began I tried to run, but the red berets caught me and dragged me to the ground. One of them struck me twice on the head with the butt of his rifle. After I fell down, three set upon me. One whipped out his knife and tore my clothes off, cutting me on the back in the process. I tried to fight but they were too strong. Two held me down while the other raped me. They said they would kill me if I didn’t leave them to do what they wanted. Then the second one raped me, then the third. They beat me all the while, and said again and again they were going to kill all of us. And I believed them – about three meters away another woman was being raped, and after they had finished, one of them took his bayonet and stuck her in her vagina, and then licked the blood from his knife. I saw this, just next to me… I was so terrified they would also do this to me.”
A 42-year-old professional woman who was held in a house and gang raped for three days described her ordeal to Human Rights Watch:
“As I tried to run from the firing, I saw a few red berets raping a young woman. One of them put his gun in her sex and fired – she didn’t move again. Oh God, every time I think of that girl dying in that way… I can’t bear it. As this happened, another red beret grabbed me hard from behind and said, ‘Come with me, or I will do the same thing to you.’ He led me to a military truck with no windows. In it were about 25 young men and about six women, including me. After some distance they stopped and the soldiers told three or four women to get out. Later they stopped at a second house where they told the women who remained to get out. I was immediately led into a room and the door was locked behind me.
“Some hours later three of them came into the room – all dressed in military and with red berets. One of them had a little container of white powder. He dipped his finger in it and forced it into my nose. Then all three of them used me. They used me again the next day, but after a while others came in, two by two. I didn’t know how many or who. I felt my vagina was burning and bruised. I was so tired and out of my head. The first three of them were watching each other as they raped me.
“I was there for three days. They said, ‘You don’t really think you’ll leave here alive, do you?’ and at times argued among themselves, ‘Should we kill her now?’ ‘No… let’s get what we need and then kill her.’ At times I heard another woman crying out from a nearby room, ‘Please, please… oh my God, this is the end of my life.’ On the last day at 6 a.m., the soldiers put a cover over my head, drove for some time, and then let me go on a street corner, completely naked.”
“私はそこに3日間いた。ヤツラは「お前ここを生きて出られるなんてマジには考えてねんだろ?」’って言ってたし。時々は仲間内で口げんかしてた。「今ここでコイツを殺さなきゃなんねーのか?」「違うだろ・・・やりたいことやってそんで殺しゃいい。」 時々もう1人の女性が近くの部屋で泣き叫んでいるのを聞いた。「お願いします、どうか・・神様、これが私の一生のお願いです。」 最後の日の午前6時、兵隊たちが私の頭に覆いを被せて、少し車で走り、ある街角で私は解放された。完全に素っ裸だったのよ。”
Commanders at the scene clearly were aware of the widespread rapes, but there is no evidence that they made any attempt to stop them. One opposition leader told Human Rights Watch how he was led out of the stadium by Lieutenant Abubakar “Toumba” Diakité, the commander of the Presidential Guard, past at least a dozen women as they were being sexually assaulted by red berets. He noted how Toumba did nothing to stop the rapes:
現場の指揮官は手当たり次第に行われているレイプを明確に認識していた。しかし指揮官がそれを止めさせようとして何か試みたという証拠は皆無である。ある政府反対派指導者は、どのように大統領護衛部隊の指揮官であるアブバカル・“トンバ”・ディアキテ(Abubakar “Toumba” Diakité)中尉にスタジアムから連れ出されたのか、どのようにレッドベレーに性的暴行を受けている少なくとも12名の女性の傍らを通り過ぎたのか、その様子をヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに説明した。その指導者はトンバがレイプを止めさせようと何一つしなかった様子に言及した。
“I saw lots of cases of rape. The opposition leaders were taken slowly out of the stadium, so we saw a lot. As we came down from the podium, I saw a woman naked on the ground surrounded by five red berets who were raping her on the grass. I saw other naked women there being taken away by the red berets [to be raped]. There were even more rapes outside the stadium. Just outside the stadium, where the showers are, there was a woman naked on the ground. There were three or four red berets on top of her, and one had pushed his rifle into her [vagina]. She was screaming so loudly in pain that we had to look and see it. All along that passage, there were about a dozen women being raped. Lieutenant Toumba was right next to us and saw it all, but he didn’t do anything to stop the rapes.”
Responsibility for the Massacre, Sexual Violence, and Other Abuses
Based on the evidence gathered, Human Rights Watch found that the massacre and sexual violence committed on September 28 at the stadium appeared to be both organized and pre-planned. All those responsible, including those who gave the orders, should be held criminally accountable for their actions, as should anyone who tried to cover up the crimes and dispose of any evidence. That the killings, sexual violence, and persecution on the grounds of ethnicity appear to have been systematic suggests that this may have been a crime against humanity. As such, the principle of “command responsibility” applies. Those in positions of responsibility, who should have known about the crime (or its planning) and who failed to prevent it or prosecute those responsible, should be held criminally responsible.
Human Rights Watch believes that independent criminal investigations leading to the identification and prosecution of those responsible, including those liable under command responsibility, are urgently needed. Among those whose possible criminal responsibility for the massacre and sexual violence should be investigated are:
Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, president of the CNDD: While Camara was not believed to have been present at the stadium on September 28, he was involved in trying to prevent the protest. All witness accounts said killings were carried out by members of the Presidential Guard, which Camara ultimately commands, and that the person in command of the red berets at the stadium was Camara’s personal aide de camp and head of his personal bodyguard, Lieutenant Abubakar “Toumba” Diakité. Evidence suggests that the Presidential Guard at the stadium came there from the Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp where Camara is based. Further, there is no evidence that Camara has initiated any proceedings to discipline or hold accountable any of his subordinates directly implicated in the massacre and rapes.
ムサ・ダディス・カマラ大尉、CNDD総裁:カマラは9月28日にスタジアムにはいなかったと考えられているが、彼は抗議運動を阻止する企てに関与していた。目撃者全ての証言は大量殺害が大統領護衛部隊によって行われたと言っている。同部隊の指揮カはマラが最終的にとっている。しかもスタジアムでレッドベレーを指揮していたのはカマラの側近であり、個人的ボディーガード責任者のアブバカル・“トンバ”・ディアキテ中尉だった。スタジアムにいた大統領護衛部隊はアルファ・ヤヤ・ディアロ(Alpha Yaya Diallo)軍基地から派遣されており、同基地をカマラは本拠地としている。更に虐殺とレイプに直接に関与していた部下の誰に対しても、カマラは懲戒処分若しくは責任を問う手続きを開始していない。
Lieutenant Abubakar “Toumba” Diakité: Many witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch have stated that Toumba was physically present at the stadium and in direct command of the Presidential Guard that carried out the massacre and widespread sexual violence there. There is no evidence that he made any attempt to stop troops from carrying out the killings or the sexual violence.
Lieutenant Marcel Kuvugi: Kuvugi is a deputy to Diakité and sometimes serves as Camara’s personal driver. Witnesses, including several opposition leaders, have said he violently attacked and repeatedly threatened to kill the political opposition leaders present at the stadium. The political leaders said that when they were taken from the stadium to a clinic for first-aid treatment, Kuvugi threatened to shoot them if they got out of the car and to throw a grenade at them, keeping them from getting medical treatment.
マルセル・クブギ中尉(Lieutenant Marcel Kuvug):クブギはディアキテの副官であり、時折カマラの個人的運転手をつとめている。政府反対派指導者数人を含めた目撃者は、クブキがスタジアムにいた政治的政府反対派指導者を襲撃し、繰り返し殺すと脅したと言っている。政治的指導者たちはスタジアムから応急処置のため診療所に連れられて行った時、車の外に出たら発砲して手榴弾を投げつけると、クブキが脅し治療を受けさせないようにした、と語った。
Captain Claude “Coplan” Pivi, minister for presidential security: There are conflicting reports about whether Pivi was present at the stadium during the massacre. Witnesses have alleged that he participated in attacks on the homes of opposition leaders on the evening of September 28 and in the violent attacks on opposition-dominated neighborhoods in the following days.
Captain Moussa Tiégboro Camara: As secretary of state in charge of the fight against drug trafficking and serious crime, Tiégboro commands the elite gendarme unit that took part in the massacre at the stadium. Witnesses have stated that Tiégboro was present. Witnesses have also said the gendarmes made several attempts to stop the protesters before they reached the stadium, in a few instances firing into the crowds and killing at least three protesters. Witnesses have stated that the gendarme unit then participated in the massacre at the stadium, though its members were less frequently implicated in murder and rape than were the Presidential Guard. At least 72 protesters were detained in the custody of the gendarme unit following the massacre, and those held by the unit said they were severely mistreated.
Need for an International Commission of Inquiry and Criminal Accountability
Due to the serious nature of the crimes committed by Guinea’s security forces, particularly the Presidential Guard, on September 28 and on the days that followed, there should be a strong response from the international community. Human Rights Watch therefore calls upon the African Union, ECOWAS, the European Union, and the United Nations to:
Support fully the international commission of inquiry into the events of September 28 proposed by ECOWAS and already established by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, to ensure that it immediately has the resources to carry out its investigation and promptly publish its results, and urge Guinea’s authorities to cooperate fully with this inquiry.
Strongly urge Guinean authorities to ensure that prompt, independent, fair, and open criminal investigations take place into the crimes and their cover-up, leading to the fair and effective prosecution of those allegedly responsible in accordance with international standards, including those who gave orders or who are liable under command responsibility. Should the Guinean authorities fail to ensure such investigations and prosecutions, the Guinean government, the AU, ECOWAS, EU, and UN should fully support international investigations and prosecutions, including by the International Criminal Court (ICC) if the requirements of its statute are met. Guinea is a state party to the ICC, which gives the court jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed on its territory. Following the violence on September 28, the ICC prosecutor indicated that Guinea is under preliminary examination by his office. Preliminary examination is a phase that may precede the opening of an investigation.
Human Rights Watch plans to release a full-length report on its findings. Human Rights Watch is now releasing a summary of its core findings because of the gravity of the abuses committed and the need for immediate international action to bring the perpetrators of the abuses to justice.