(Jakarta, December 1, 2010) – Two local Sharia laws in Indonesia’s Aceh province violate rights and are often enforced abusively by public officials and even private individuals, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The country’s central government and the Aceh provincial government should take steps to repeal the two laws, Human Rights Watch said.
The 89-page report, “Policing Morality: Abuses in the Application of Sharia in Aceh, Indonesia,” documents the experiences of people accused of violating Sharia laws prohibiting “seclusion” and imposing public dress requirements on Muslims. The “seclusion” law makes association by unmarried individuals of the opposite sex a criminal offense in some circumstances. While the dress requirement is gender-neutral on its face, in practice it imposes far more onerous restrictions on women. The report also details evidence that the laws are selectively enforced – rarely if ever applied to wealthy or politically-connected individuals.
The laws are among five Sharia-inspired criminal laws adopted in Aceh on issues ranging from charitable giving, to gambling, to Islamic ritual and proper Muslim behavior. Human Rights Watch takes no position on Sharia law per se, which supporters say is a complete system of guidance on all matters in life, or on the provisions that regulate the internal workings of Islam. However, the two laws singled out in the report are applied abusively and violate both Indonesian constitutional protections and international human rights law, says Human Rights Watch. Aceh is the only province in Indonesia explicitly authorized by national law to adopt laws derived from Islam.
“These two laws deny people’s right to make their own decisions about who they meet and what they wear,” said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The laws, and their selective enforcement, are an invitation to abuse.”
Sharia police officers have interpreted the broadly worded “seclusion” law to prohibit merely sitting and talking in a “quiet” space with a member of the opposite sex to whom one is not married or related, regardless of whether there is evidence of intimacy. Serious abuses under the law documented by Human Rights Watch include aggressive interrogation; conditioning the release of suspects upon their agreement to marry; and in one case, the rape of a woman by Sharia police while they held her in detention. Sharia police officials told Human Rights Watch that they sometimes force women and girls to submit to virginity exams as part of the investigation.
イスラム警察(Sharia police )当局者は、あいまいな言葉で構成されている「セクルージョン(人目を忍ぶ行為)」法が、未婚若しくは親戚でない異姓が、愛情行為があったという証拠のあるなしに関わらず、「静かな」場所で単に座ったり話をすることも禁止していると解釈してきた。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが取りまとめたこれらの法による重大な人権侵害には、強引な取り調べ;容疑者の釈放に結婚合意を条件づける事;拘束中の女性容疑者に対するイスラム警察(Sharia police )によるレイプなどがある。イスラム警察の当局者はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、捜査の際、女性や少女に処女検査を受けさせることがあると述べた。
Members of the community also identify, apprehend, and punish suspected violators on their own initiative, as permitted in certain circumstances by Aceh’s local laws. In several cases, community members arbitrarily determined that people were guilty of “seclusion,” and assaulted the suspects, beating them severely or burning them with lit cigarettes while apprehending them.
The community members were not held accountable for these offenses. Some of those accused, however, faced penalties, including forced marriage, expulsion from the village, and arbitrary fines, determined by traditional leaders with no semblance of due process.
One woman, Rohani, described a 2009 incident in which members of her community apprehended and beat her 17-year-old daughter’s boyfriend after he came to visit her for an hour at night, even though Rohani and her younger daughter were at home. The community then attempted to compel the couple to marry. The Sharia police and regular police detained the pair, but not the attackers, overnight for investigation. Rohani was later told by representatives of the community that she should hand over certain goods as punishment for her daughter’s offense. Rohani complied, but no one in the community was held accountable for assaulting her daughter’s boyfriend.
ロハニ(Rohani)という女性は、2009年の出来事について話してくれた。夜間、彼女の17歳の娘に1時間会いに来た娘のボーイフレンドが、その後地域住民に拘束・暴行されたというのである。その夜、家には長女の他にロハニと下の娘がいたにもかかわらずであった。その地域は次に、カップルに結婚を強制しようとし、イスラム警察(Sharia police )と正規警察は、長女のボーイフレンドを襲った者たちではなく、カップルを捜査のために一晩拘束した。ロハニはその後地域の代表から、娘の違反行為に対する罰則として若干の物品を指し出さなければならないと言われた。ロハニはそれに従ったが、地域の誰も娘のボーフレンドを襲撃した件で責任を問われていない。
“Sharia police too often investigate alleged infringements unprofessionally or abusively and then demand inappropriate, and ultimately illegal, resolutions like trying to force couples to marry,” Pearson said. “The government also needs to rein in vigilantes who commit abuses against ‘seclusion’ suspects.”
「イスラム警察(Sharia police )は過度に違反容疑を素人的若しくは人権侵害的に捜査し、更にはカップルに結婚を強制しようとするような、不適切であるとともに最終的には不法な解決手段を要求している。」とピアソンは語った。「政府は又、“セクルージョン(人目を忍ぶ行為)”の疑いをかけられた人々に対して、人権侵害を行う自警主義者を抑制する必要がある。」
Women constitute the overwhelming majority of those reprimanded by the Sharia police under the law requiring Islamic attire. While the law requires men to wear clothing that covers the body from the knee to the navel, it requires Muslim women to cover the entire body, except for hands, feet, and face, meaning that they are obligated to wear the jilbab (Islamic headscarf). The law also prohibits clothing that is transparent or reveals the shape of the body.
イスラム教に従った服装を義務付ける法律のもとでは、女性がイスラム警察(Sharia police )に懲戒処分される者の圧倒的多数を占める。法律は男性に膝からへそまでの体を覆う衣服を身につけるよう求めているが、イスラム教徒の女性には両手両足と顔以外の全身を覆うよう求める。つまり女性はジルバブというイスラム教のヘッドスカーフを着用することを義務付けられているのだ。併せて法律は体の線が透けて見えたり、体の線を表すような衣服を禁止している。
Human Rights Watch spoke to several women in Aceh who had been stopped by the Sharia police during patrols or at public roadblocks established to monitor compliance with the dress code. The Sharia police recorded their personal details, lectured them, and threatened them with detention or lashing if they repeated their behavior.
パトロール中や服装規定への順守を監視するために設置した市民を対象にした検問所で、イスラム警察(Sharia police )から職務質問された事のあるアチェの女性の何人かと、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは話をした。イスラム警察(Sharia police )は個人的に関する詳細な事項を記録するとともに説教を行い、併せて彼女たちが同じ行為を繰り返すなら逮捕若しくはムチ打ちの刑に処すと脅していた。
Both the Seclusion Law and dress requirements run afoul of well-established international human rights law. Under international treaties that Indonesia has ratified, consensual association – of a sexual nature or otherwise – between adults in private is a protected aspect of the right to privacy. Aceh’s ban on “seclusion” similarly violates the right to manifest one’s religious beliefs freely and the right to freedom of expression. It gives rise to lasting negative effects, particularly for women accused of violations, who suffer enduring stigmatization. Aceh’s Islamic clothing requirement violates individuals’ rights to personal autonomy, expression, and to freedom of religion, thought, and conscience.
Human Rights Watch called on Aceh’s provincial legislature to repeal both laws. In the meantime, the Aceh governor should stop Sharia police from arresting and detaining people suspected of “seclusion,” and police should investigate and prosecute violence by those attempting to enforce the laws.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、アチェの州議会議員に両法律を廃止するよう求めた。アチェ州知事は同時に、イスラム警察(Sharia police )が「セクルージョン(人目を忍ぶ行為)」禁止容疑で人々を逮捕・拘束するのを、止めさせなければならず、警察は同法律を執行しようとする者の行った暴力を捜査し訴追するべきである。
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono should order the home affairs minister to review all local laws that claim to promote morality, Human Rights Watch said. The president should also petition the Supreme Court to review the compatibility of the Seclusion Law and law on dress requirements with the Indonesian Constitution and national law. Human Rights Watch noted that a number of other local governments in Indonesia have looked to Aceh’s laws as a model.
“The Aceh government should repeal laws that contravene international standards and investigate and prosecute all acts of violence,” Pearson said. “People in Aceh should have the same rights as Indonesian citizens everywhere.”