
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ アフガニスタン:タリバンとの和解がもたらす女性への危険




 "If you had to choose between saving a girl's life or enabling her to go to school, which would you do first?" This was Afghan President Hamid Karzai's reply when I asked him last month if the rights of Afghan women might be sacrificed for a peace settlement with the Taliban.


While real peace talks may not begin for a long time, it was clear to me on a recent trip to Kabul that the political and intellectual groundwork is being laid for "reconciliation" with insurgents. Karzai seems tired of the war's carnage and uncertain of the international community's staying power. Many of his foreign allies, meanwhile, have become so cynical about Afghanistan's present state that they can't imagine how a deal with the Taliban could make it worse. Yet the prospect is deeply unnerving to those Afghans who suffered most under Taliban rule -- women and ethnic minorities, above all.


Afghan women have fought with some success -- and strong support from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- to be included in discussions about reconciliation with the Taliban. But the Obama administration has not ruled out supporting a process in which Taliban commanders who have a track record of atrocities against Afghan women and men are offered government positions or even de facto control over some areas, so long as they have no ties to al-Qaeda and promise to respect the Afghan constitution. As one Western diplomat recently told Time magazine: "You have to be realistic. We are not going to be sending troops and spending money forever. There will have to be a compromise, and sacrifices will have to be made."


If we're going to be realistic, let's at least face what those sacrifices would be. The Taliban is not just another warlord militia fighting for a piece of the action; it is an ideological movement whose leaders believe they were right to plunge Afghanistan into darkness when they ruled in the 1990s. In many parts of the country where they hold sway, they continue to kill women who go to school, work or participate in the political process, as well as the men who support them. If a Taliban provincial shadow governor with such a history were made the real governor of a province, the "night letters" the Taliban now delivers to threaten women would become daytime edicts.

現実的になるならば、私たちは少なくとも何が犠牲になるのかを正視しようではありませんか。タリバンはある行為を求めて闘っている単一の軍閥民兵集団ではないイデオロギー運動であり、その指導者は1990年代に彼らが支配していた暗黒時代に、アフガニスタンをしていくことが正しいと考えているのです。同国内で君臨していた多くの地方で、彼らは学校や仕事に通う、若しくは政治的プロセスに参加する女性とそれを支持する男性を殺害し続けているのです。そのような経歴を持つ地方の影の知事が、その地方の本当の知事になってしまったら、タリバンが今女性を脅迫するために送りつけている「ナイトレター(night letters)」とよばれている脅迫状が、「白昼堂々の法令(daytime edicts)」になってしまうのです。

Perhaps that should not be enough to determine America's strategy for ending the war. But before resigning ourselves to compromising our principles for peace, we must ask: Would such a trade-off bring the security it promises? This is where the realist argument collapses.


The same argument, after all, was made by Pakistan when it negotiated its 2008 settlement with the Taliban, giving it control of Swat Valley in exchange for pledges to recognize the writ of the central government and let women work without fear. The Taliban broke those promises; Pakistanis were horrified by images of women being whipped and schools being torched. Within months, the Pakistani army launched a massive military operation to retake what it had given away.

同じ議論がパキスタンでされたことがあります。2008年この時パキスタンはタリバンとの和解交渉を行ない、タリバンが中央政府の命令を認め女性が怯えることなく仕事に行かせると約束する換わりに、スワットバレー(Swat Valley)の支配権を与えました。タリバンはその約束を破り、パキスタン人は女性がムチ打たれ学校が放火される映像に恐れ慄いたのです。数か月以内にパキスタン軍は与えたものを取り戻すために大規模な軍事作戦を行ないました。

Much the same happened when Colombia ceded territory to the FARC insurgent group in 1999 (the FARC continued its kidnappings and killings, and war resumed); when Angola brought the UNITA party of brutal warlord Jonas Savimbi into its government in 1994 (the deal collapsed, and UNITA went back to fighting); when the international community helped broker a peace deal in Sierra Leone in 1999 that gave Foday Sankoh's vicious rebel group a share of power (Sankoh's forces continued to conduct attacks until a British intervention restored order). Each time we were shocked to learn that abusive, predatory movements, when given power, continue to behave in abusive, predatory ways.

おおよそ同じことが、1999年にコロンビアが反乱軍FARCに領地を与えた時(FRACは拉致と大量虐殺を続け、戦争が再開した。)、1994年にアンゴラが残虐な軍閥ジョナス・サヴィンビ(Jonas Savimbi)の率いるアンゴラ全面独立民族同盟(UNITA)を政権内に招きいれた時(協定は崩壊しUNITAは戦闘に戻った)、1999年にシエラレオネでの和平協定でフォディ・サンコー(Foday Sankoh)が率いる凶悪な反乱集団に権力の一部を分け与えた仲裁案を国際社会が支援した時(サンコー軍はイギリスが介入して秩序を回復するまで攻撃を続けた。)に起こっています。人権侵害や略奪目的の活動が、権力を与えられても、続けられていることを知る度に、私たちはショックを受けたものでした。

The same is likely to happen in Afghanistan if those Taliban leaders who have committed the worst atrocities are given control over the communities they terrorized. Images of abuses against women are likely to be broadcast around the world, raising the painful question of whether this is what foreign and Afghan troops sacrificed for. There could be retribution against perceived U.S. and government collaborators, and people fleeing areas where insurgents are given power. Afghanistan's ethnic minorities (who together constitute a majority) are especially fearful of a deal that increases the Taliban's influence; many Afghans believe that a hasty process could lead to a broader civil war.


None of these appalling consequences would speed a U.S. withdrawal. Quite the opposite. And it is not realism, but a leap of faith born of desperation, to think they could be avoided simply by requiring "reconciling" Taliban forces to renounce violence and support Afghanistan's constitution.


Some suspect that talking about women's rights is a pretext for keeping the United States in Afghanistan forever (ironically, the part of President Obama's constituency that would normally be most concerned about defending women in Afghanistan is also the part most wary of the U.S. commitment there). But whether one believes in Gen. David Petraeus's strategy of counterinsurgency for as long as it takes, or a more limited counterterrorism mission with fewer troops, there is no need for hasty deals that give the Taliban a share of power.

一部の者は女性の権利について語ることを、アフガニスタンに米国が永久に留まる口実であると考えています(アフガニスタンの女性を守ることに関して最も関心が高いオバマ大統領の選挙区の一部が、皮肉なことに米国がアフガニスタンに留まる事に対してもまた最も慎重です。)しかし、デビッド・ペトレアス(David Petraeus )陸軍大将の必要なだけ時間をかけるという対反乱軍戦略に信頼を置くのか、より少ない兵力でより制限された対反乱軍作戦に信頼を置くのかに関しては、タリバンに権力を分け与えるという拙速な協定は必要ではないでしょう。

Whatever one's vision of the way forward in Afghanistan, the answer to Karzai's heartfelt question must be: You must help that girl stay alive and go to school at the same time. For if you try to settle the conflict in a way that sacrifices human rights in the name of peace, you will end up with neither.


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