
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ウクライナ:復興会議が子供にとって命綱になる可能性がある



  • The Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin should prioritize donor support to rebuild and make accessible thousands of damaged schools and ensure children and teachers have access to equipment and technology for distance learning.
  • ベルリンでのウクライナ復興会議でドナーの支援は、「数千の損傷を受けた学校を再建し通えるようにする」、「子供と教師がリモート授業用の備品と技術にアクセスできるようにする」、ことを優先すべきだ。
  • Ukraine still relies on the Soviet-era legacy of institutionalizing children deemed to have disabilities or to be from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • 障害を抱えている又は社会経済的に不利な背景を有す、と判断された子供を施設に収容するソビエト時代の遺物に、ウクライナはまだ依存している。
  • Donors need to encourage Ukraine to maintain progress in moving children who live in institutions into family-type settings and mainstream education, and to provide resources for this.
  • ドナーは、施設で生活する子供を家庭的な環境と普通教育に移すという進歩を維持するようウクライナに働き掛け、それへの財源を提供する必要がある。

(Berlin, June 7, 2024) – Foreign governments should use the June 11-12, 2024 Ukraine Recovery Conference to secure resources to protect and fulfill children’s rights, Human Rights Watch and the Ukraine Child Rights Network said today. These should include safe access to quality education and the right to live in families rather than in harmful institutional settings. The conference aims to generate government aid and private-sector investment for “recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernization” in Ukraine.

(ベルリン、2024年6月7日) 各外国政府はベルリンで6月11日と12日に開かれるウクライナ復興会議を、子供の権利を守り叶えるための財源確保に利用するべきだ、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)とウクライナ子供の権利ネットワークは本日述べた。それらの権利には、質の高い教育への安全なアクセスと、有害な収容施設環境ではなく家庭で生活する権利が含まれる。ウクライナにおける「復興・再建・改革・近代化」に向けた、政府による援助と民間分野での投資を生むことを、会議は目的にしている。

In the midst of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainian authorities have pledged to carry out education reforms intended to keep children learning safely, and also initiated a new strategy to end the harmful, Soviet-era legacy of institutionalizing children deemed to have disabilities or to be from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Human Rights Watch research found the needs are vast and that continued international support may be critical for success.


“A better future for Ukraine means taking the steps needed for every child to realize their potential, and there should be no backsliding in Berlin,” said Bill Van Esveld, associate children’s rights director at Human Rights Watch. “Getting an education and living in a family rather than an institution are not nice-to-haves, but are a child’s fundamental rights, and they deserve full donor support.”


Human Rights Watch has documented vast damage and destruction to Ukrainian schools and preschools from attacks, as well as from Russian forces that occupied, pillaged, and trashed schools during the first months of the fighting. In some cases, Russian forces fired on the schools they had used as they withdrew from areas they had occupied, further damaging them.


As of May, more than 3,790 educational facilities had been damaged or destroyed, according to Ukrainian government figures.


The damage to schools and risks to students led Ukraine to shift back to distance learning, just as students were returning to in-person learning after the Covid-19 pandemic. However, many parents and children lack the devices and connectivity needed for distance learning, Human Rights Watch found, which moreover may not be accessible for children with disabilities. Ukrainian authorities also require schools to have adequate bomb shelters to resume in-person education.


At the Berlin conference, Ukraine’s international partners and donors should help the authorities ensure access to quality education for all children, including by restoring damaged educational facilities across Ukraine, in line with safety requirements and strict adherence to accessibility standards mandatory under Ukrainian law. Donor funding should support the development of inclusive rather than segregated education, the groups said.


The full-scale invasion also exacerbated the risks to 105,000 children in institutions in Ukraine, including family separation, neglect, and forcible transfer and deportation by Russian and occupation authorities. Before the invasion, a large majority of children in institutions had parents with full parental rights, but children with disabilities were more often institutionalized instead being able to live with their families or in the community and attend mainstream schools.


But even in peacetime, decades of studies have shown that institutionalization is harmful to children. Warehousing children in institutions is prohibited by international human rights law as well as within the European Union, which Ukraine seeks to join.


Separately from the Berlin conference, the European Union recently approved the Ukrainian government’s reconstruction plan, which unlocks 50 billion euro in EU funding. It includes plans for education reform and the construction of 700 large foster-family-style homes for 5,600 children who had been living in institutions. Ukraine also created a detailed roadmap to deinstitutionalization. The EU and Ukraine should continue to prioritize deinstitutionalization and care reform as part of Ukraine’s reconstruction and EU integration.



Under previous governments, several efforts at reforming systems for caring for children with disabilities had failed, as civil society groups were marginalized and reform plans were undermined to exclude children with disabilities. Donors should continue to work closely with Ukrainian civil society groups that are leading the effort for meaningful reforms that ensure all children’s access to protection and education, and their rights to live in a family and in a community, Human Rights Watch and the Ukraine Child Rights Network said.


“Ukraine’s recovery needs to prioritize children’s rights, especially education, over rebuilding institutional care facilities and special schools’ segregation practices,” said Daria Kasyanova, Ukrainian Child Rights Network board chair. “Deinstitutionalization reform is crucial, it means placing human and children's rights at the forefront.”





  • The Ukraine war has had traumatic and devastating consequences for children in residential institutions, including forcible transfers to Russia and separation from their families.
  • ウクライナ戦争は収容施設にいる子どもに、ロシアへの強制移送や家族との別離など、トラウマを生じさせる破滅的な結果をもたらしてきた。
  • The impact on institutionalized children points up the urgency of the need to remove them from institutions and provide support for family and community care.
  • 収容施設内の子どもへの影響は、施設からの退所及び家族への支援と地域ケアが緊急に必要である問題を浮かび上がらせている。
  • Children sent to Russia should urgently be brought home, and Ukraine should urgently map the whereabouts of all children from institutions and ensure their well-being.
  • ロシアに送られた子どもを直ちに家に帰し、ウクライナは収容施設にいた全ての子どもの所在地を緊急に特定し、彼らの福利を保障しなければならない。

(Berlin, March 13, 2023) – The war in Ukraine has had devastating consequences for children in residential institutions, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Children have been forcibly transferred to Russia and separated from their families, and have suffered traumatic experiences of war and displacement.

(ベルリン、2023年3月13日) ウクライナでの戦争は、収容施設の子どもに破滅的な結果をもたらした、と本日公表した報告書でヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。子どもはロシアに強制移送され、家族と引離され、戦争と強制退去によるトラウマとなる経験に苦しんだ。 

The 55-page report, “We Must Provide a Family, Not Rebuild Orphanages,” documents risks to children from institutions in areas directly affected by the conflict as well as those evacuated to other areas of Ukraine or to European countries. According to government figures, Ukraine had more than 105,000 children in residential institutions before Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, the largest number in Europe after Russia. Nearly half were children with disabilities, according to UNICEF. Russia bears responsibility for the crisis facing these children, but the war adds to the urgency for Ukraine, with support from foreign governments and humanitarian agencies, to stop institutionalizing children and expand family- and community-based care.


“Ukrainian children who were housed in Soviet-era institutions now face extreme risks due to Russia’s war on Ukraine,” said Bill Van Esveld, associate children’s rights director at Human Rights Watch. “There needs to be a concerted international effort to identify and return children who were deported to Russia, and Ukraine and its allies should ensure that all children who were or remain institutionalized are identified and provided with support to live with their families and in communities.”


Human Rights Watch visited 12 children’s institutions in the Lvivska region and three others in Łódź, Poland, where Ukrainian children and staff were evacuated from areas directly affected by hostilities, and interviewed Ukrainian and Polish government officials and civil society groups.


Human Rights Watch has documented Russia’s forcible transfer of children from Ukrainian residential institutions to Russia or Russian-occupied territory: a war crime. Based on Ukrainian government data, 100 institutions that had housed more than 32,000 children before 2022 are in regions under partial or total Russian occupation and which Russia stated, falsely, that it had annexed in September 2022. Statements by Russian authorities, Ukrainian activists and lawyers, and news reports indicate that at least several thousand children have been forcibly transferred to other occupied territories or to Russia.


Russia’s parliament changed laws in May 2022 to enable authorities to give Russian nationality to Ukrainian children, facilitating their guardianship and adoption by Russian families in Russia. A Russian adoption website lists children from Ukrainian regions, and Russian officials have said that hundreds of Ukrainian children have been adopted. International standards prohibit inter-country adoption during armed conflicts. In a joint statement, Human Rights Watch and 42 other organizations condemned the forcible transfers and adoptions, and called on Russia to grant the United Nations and other impartial agencies access to identify these children, monitor their welfare, and facilitate their return to Ukraine.


Many children in institutions had to shelter for weeks from bombardments in basements without electricity or running water, including children with disabilities. A group of children from an institution in Mariupol did not speak for four days after they were evacuated to Lviv, in March 2022, apparently due to trauma, one volunteer said. Staff at another institution coached older children to carry younger children to the basement when air-raid sirens sounded.


Children who were evacuated elsewhere in Ukraine could not escape the war. In April 2022, Anton, 16, who was evacuated from an institution in the Luhanska region to another one in Lviv, woke up to paint falling from the ceiling from a nearby cruise-missile attack. Remnants of the munitions landed in the yard. One remnant landed in the kitchen, between the cook’s feet, staff told Human Rights Watch.


More than 9 in 10 children in Ukraine’s institutions have parents with full parental rights and were institutionalized due to their families’ poverty or difficult life circumstances, or because the child has a disability and institutions were mistakenly presented as the best option. In reality, as Ukrainian officials have acknowledged and as decades of studies have shown, institutions are inherently harmful to children. Human rights law calls for the deinstitutionalization of all children including during armed conflicts.


After the Russian attacks began, most children from institutions were sent home to their families, and thousands were evacuated to other institutions; but thousands remain unaccounted for whose needs should be urgently assessed. With international support, Ukraine should urgently map the whereabouts of all children from institutions and ensure their well-being, Human Rights Watch said.


In cases where children remained in institutions and were evacuated, often only a handful of institutional staff were evacuated along with children. Staff were exhausted from working around the clock without relief for weeks or months, and were sometimes “picked [for evacuation] just because [they were] there at the time,” said Galina, a former administrator who had not previously provided child care.


When children were evacuated abroad from institutions, some were not registered during the chaotic mass refugee flows of the war’s first weeks, siblings were separated, and children were temporarily unable to get education and social support. European countries should forge agreements with Ukraine to uphold the best interest of the child in all cases.


Ukraine insists that children evacuated from institutions must remain together abroad, posing logistical problems for countries that had de-institutionalized. In Poland, where laws prohibit facilities from housing more than 14 children, volunteers had to refurbish old orphanages to accommodate displaced Ukrainian children. Ukraine says the requirement is meant to ensure the children are cared for responsibly and return home after the war. But those goals could be achieved by registering and checking on children in family-like settings, Human Rights Watch said.


Since 2005, Ukrainian governments have pledged to deinstitutionalize and place children with families or in family-like settings, but the reforms faltered and the number of institutions actually increased. The current government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, have acknowledged the need for deinstitutionalization under Ukraine’s plans to join the European Union. Ukraine and its allies should realize this goal and support all children from institutions – including children with disabilities – to be cared for with their families or in family-like settings, and ensure that funding does not support institutions.


“This brutal war has starkly shown the need to end the perils faced by children who were institutionalized,” Van Esveld said. “Returning children who were illegally taken by Russian forces should be an international priority, and Ukraine and its allies can and should ensure that all children in Ukraine enjoy their rights to live in families, not institutions.”


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