



(Mexico City, January 16, 2025) – Haiti’s crisis has reached catastrophic levels, with allied criminal groups intensifying large-scale, coordinated attacks on the population and key state infrastructure, nearly paralyzing much of the country and worsening the already dire human rights and humanitarian situation, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025.

(メキシコシティ、2025年1月16日) ハイチ危機は壊滅的段階に達し、手を結んだ犯罪組織が大規模で組織的な攻撃を住民と主要な国家インフラに加え、国の殆どをほぼ麻痺状態にし、既に劣悪だった人権と人道の状況を更に悪化させた、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。

For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.


“Throughout 2024, criminal groups killed, kidnapped, and used sexual violence to control Haiti’s population, already overwhelmed by rising poverty, hunger, and lack of access to essential services,” said Nathalye Cotrino, Americas senior researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The appointment of a transitional government and deployment of a UN-authorized Multidimensional Security Support mission to support the Haitian National Police have yet to improve security or restore the rule of law.”



  • In late February, the major criminal groups, united under the Viv Ansam (Living Together in Creole) coalition, launched coordinated attacks on major prisons, police stations, government offices, and key infrastructure such as healthcare and education facilities in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. These attacks nearly paralyzed the country and the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance for close to three months.
  • 2月下旬にビブ・アンサム(クレオール語で共に暮らす)連合の下で団結した主要犯罪組織が、ハイチの首都ポルトープランスで、主要な刑務所・警察署・政府役所・医療と教育の施設など主要なインフラに対する、組織的攻撃を加えた。それらの攻撃は同国と救命用人道援助物資の配布を3ヶ月近くほぼ麻痺させた。
  • Criminal groups increased their recruitment of children, taking advantage of widespread hunger and poverty. As of October, at least 30 percent of criminal group members were children. They participated in extortion, looting and severe acts of violence, including murder and kidnapping, but also faced abuse within the criminal groups. Haiti’s transitional government lacks a strategy and the resources to ensure that all children are protected, including through access to education and justice, and legal pathways out of criminal groups.
  • 犯罪組織は、広く行き渡った飢餓と貧困を利用して子供の徴用を増やした。10月現在、犯罪組織構成員の少なくとも30%が子供だった。子供が、恐喝・略奪・殺人や誘拐などの重大な暴力行為に加わっているが、犯罪組織内の人権侵害にも遭っている。ハイチ暫定政府には、教育や司法へのアクセスや犯罪組織から抜ける法的道筋などを使って、全ての子供を守る戦略と資源が不足している。
  • Criminal groups’ use of sexual violence is now widespread. Between January and October, nearly 4,000 girls and women reported sexual violence, including gang rape, mostly by members of criminal groups. Survivors have little access to protection and care services due to limited institutional resources and the disruption by violence of essential services, particularly health care.
  • 犯罪組織は現在、性的暴力を広く利用している。1月から10月に間に成人女性と少女4,000人近くが、殆どが犯罪組織構成員による輪姦など性的暴力を受けたと訴え出た。制度的資源が僅かしかなく、暴力による必要不可欠なサービス、特に医療の崩壊したことから、被害を受けて生き残った者の殆どは、保護や医療のサービスを受けられない。
  • In June, the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, led by Kenya, began operations in Haiti with about 400 officers, well below the expected 2,500. While the MSS has supported the Haitian National Police anti-crime operations and developed key human rights safeguards, the mission faces significant financial and logistical challenges.
  • 6月に国連が正式承認し、ケニアに率いられた多国籍治安支援ミッション(以下MSS)は、要員400人でハイチにおける活動を開始したが、その数は見込まれていた2,500人を遥かに下回っている。MSSはハイチ国家警察の犯罪取り締まり活動を支援すると共に主な人権保護対策を策定したが、財政と兵站の上での大きな問題に直面している。
  • Criminal groups intensified coordinated attacks in October and now control around 85 percent of Port-au-Prince and its metropolitan area and have expanded their control into the Ouest and Artibonite departments. In 2024, criminal groups killed at least 5,601 people, according to the UN. Half of Haiti’s population struggles to afford food, making it one of world’s most acutely food insecure countries, and over 700,000 Haitians—25 percent of them children—are internally displaced.
  • 犯罪組織は10月に組織的な攻撃を強め、現在はポルトープランスと首都圏の約85%を支配し、ウエスト県とアルティボニット県にまで支配を拡大した。国連によれば2024年中に犯罪組織は、少なくとも5,601人を殺している。ハイチの人口の半数は食料を買い求めるのに苦労しており、ハイチは世界でも最も深刻な食糧不安を抱えている国となっていて、70万超のハイチ国民(内25%は子供)が国内難民となっている。

The international community should urgently support a comprehensive, rights-based response to Haiti’s crisis, focused on restoring security, upholding the rule of law, and guiding the country back to democracy, while meeting people’s immediate needs. Following the transitional government’s request to transform the MSS into a UN mission, the United Nations Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged United Nations mission to Haiti. The Mission should be part of a broader strategy that includes human rights safeguards, monitoring mechanisms, and accountability measures to prevent past harm and address the legacy of previous interventions.


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