
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 中国:メディアサミット参加者は報道の自由を強く求めよ



 (New York October 7, 2009) - Participants at the World Media Summit, to be held in Beijing on October 8-10, should use the opportunity to urge the Chinese government to respect press freedom and stop its routine harassment, detention, and intimidation of journalists, Human Rights Watch said today.


The Summit - organized by China's state-run Xinhua News Agency, whose director Li Changjun is the former vice-director of the Propaganda Department - expects representatives of 130 foreign media organizations to discuss future media trends and opportunities in bilateral and multilateral media cooperation. The participants will include News Corporation Chairman & CEO Rupert Murdoch, AP President & CEO Thomas Curley, Reuters News Editor-in-Chief David Schlesinger and BBC Director-General Mark Thompson.

前広報省の副代表だったリ・チャンジュンが会長を務める、中国国営新華社通信主催の同サミットでは、外国メディア130社の代表が、将来のメディア動向と相互的かつ多相互的なメディア間協力のチャンスについて議論すると、見込まれている。参加者にはニュース・コーポレーション(News Corporation)会長兼最高経営責任者ルパート・マードック(Rupert Murdoch)、AP通信社・社長兼最高経営責任者トーマス・カーレイ(Thomas Curley)、ロイター通信編集長デビッド・シュレジンガー(David Schlesinger)、BBC会長マーク・トンプソン(Mark Thompson)などが入っている。

"The Summit's participants need to know that this event is being convened by a government that regularly denies basic press freedoms," said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. "Without a candid discussion about the difference between genuine media and propaganda, the need to stop harassing and abusing Chinese and foreign journalists, and the importance of reliable, real-time information from inside China, the summit runs the risk of eroding rather than defending media freedoms."


Human Rights Watch said that China's domestic media has for decades been subject to strict government controls which ensure that reporting falls within the boundaries of the official propaganda line. For example, in May 2009, the Guangdong provincial government demanded - in the name of "harmony," "stability," and "national interests above all" - that state media outlets reduce "negative" coverage of issues ranging from government officials to public protests.


Foreign journalists have been effectively barred from entering Tibet since the March 2008 protests there except on highly circumscribed visits. Chinese reporters have been blocked from writing about issues of global importance, such as the tainted milk powder exported from China in 2008, which eventually sickened tens of thousands of children and killed six. The Chinese news assistants of foreign correspondents are forbidden to engage in any "independent reporting."


Although Article 35 of the Chinese Constitution guarantees freedom of the press and the Chinese government's April 2009 National Human Rights Action Plan reiterates that commitment, both Chinese journalists and foreign correspondents are regularly harassed, detained, and intimidated by government officials, security forces, and their agents. In the past month alone a group of unidentified individuals attacked, hit, and pushed to the ground three reporters from Japan's Kyodo News Agency who were covering a rehearsal in Beijing for the October 1 National Day parade. On August 31, 2009, two private security guards employed by the Dongguan municipal government in southern Guangdong province to maintain order at a crime scene attacked Guangzhou Daily reporter Liu Manyuan when he attempted to take photos at the scene. The guards shoved Liu to the ground and beat him for around ten minutes, leaving bruises on his neck and arms and prompting his temporary hospitalization.

中国憲法第35条は報道の自由を保障し、中国政府の2009年国民人権保護アクションプランはその誓約を強調したが、中国人ジャーナリストと外国人特派員は、政府当局者・治安部隊・その機関員から日頃嫌がらせを受け、拘束され、脅迫されている。先月だけでも正体不明の一団が、北京で10月1日の国慶節に行われるパレードのリハーサルの取材をしていた、日本の共同通信社の記者3名を襲い殴って地面に突き倒した。8月31日には、犯罪現場の秩序を保つために、広東省南部の東 莞 市地方自治体に雇われた民間警備員2名が、現場で写真を撮ろうとしていた広州日報記者リュウ・マンユアン(Liu Manyuan)を襲った。警備員はリュウを地面に押し倒し、10分間にわたって暴行を加え、リュウの首と腕に擦過傷を負わせた。リュウは一時的に入院した。

These issues and developments do not appear on the Summit's official program.


"Silence at the World Media Summit about the Chinese government's restrictions on press freedom would betray the courageous Chinese journalists who strive day after day to defy state censorship," said Richardson.


Foreign corporations have a mixed record of pressing for greater freedom of expression in China. In 2005, the U.S. Internet company Yahoo established a dangerous precedent when it disclosed information to Chinese police which proved instrumental in the conviction and 10-year prison term of journalist Shi Tao on charges of violating China's state secrets law. Similarly, companies such as Microsoft and Google have censored information on search engines and blogs in China. These companies have since begun to develop and implement standards to protect free expression and privacy with academics, investors, and civil society, including Human Rights Watch. However, these efforts are new and have yet to demonstrate impact in countries like China.

外国企業は中国での表現の自由促進にとって、プラスにもマイナスにもなる玉石混合の経歴を持っている。2005年、米国インターネット会社ヤフーは危険な先例を確立した。ヤフーは中国警察に情報を開示し、ジャーナリストのシ・タオ(Shi Tao)にかけられた中国国家秘密法違反容疑への有罪判決と懲役十年の刑に利してしまったのだ。同様にマイクロソフトやグーグルのような企業は中国の検索エンジンとブログに関する情報を検閲した。これらの企業はそれ以降、学者、投資家、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチを含む市民団体とともに表現の自由とプライバシーを保護する基準を発展・実施し始めたが、活動の歴史は浅く、中国のような国ではまだ効果を発揮していない。

In June 2009, however, foreign technology companies, in alliance with international business associations and elements of the U.S. government, set a positive example in their response to the Chinese government's demand that those firms install Internet filtering software on all personal computers sold in China. Although the Chinese government described that software, called Green Dam Youth Escort, as a pornography filtering tool, analysis by independent experts indicated it posed a much more sinister threat to privacy, choice, and security. The foreign companies' opposition to the plan helped prompt the Chinese government to suspend the mandatory installation of the filtering software on June 30, 2009.


"There is no doubt that press freedom needs more allies in China," said Richardson. "The question is whether some of the world's biggest media companies will fulfill that role."


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