



(Nairobi, January 16, 2025) – Civilians in East Africa and the Horn bore the brunt of armed conflicts between government forces and opposition armed groups in 2024, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. Throughout the region, the authorities have harassed activists and government critics and suppressed dissent.

(ナイロビ、2025年1月16日) 東アフリカとアフリカの角の民間人(文民)は2024年中、政府軍と反政府武装組織の武力紛争の矢面に立たされ苦しんだ、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。それら全域で当局は活動家と政府批判者に嫌がらせを加え、反体制派を弾圧した。


For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.


“Armed forces and armed groups in Sudan and Ethiopia have deliberately targeted civilians and critical infrastructure with near total impunity,” said Mausi Segun, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Regional and international bodies should urgently take concrete measures to help protect civilians and increase scrutiny of those responsible for serious violations.”


  • Atrocities by warring parties in Sudan and Ethiopia killed and injured thousands of civilians, with 12 million displaced in Sudan alone, and damaged or destroyed considerable civilian infrastructure. The warring parties’ willful obstruction of humanitarian assistance exacerbated famine in Sudan. Ethiopian government forces in the Amhara region committed widespread attacks against medical professionals, patients, and health facilities.
  • スーダンとエチオピアにおける戦争当事勢力による残虐行為は数千の民間人(文民)を殺傷し、スーダンだけで1,200万人の避難民を出し、重要な民用インフラを損傷または破壊した。戦争当事勢力による人道援助に対する故意の妨害はスーダンでの飢饉を悪化させた。アムハラ州におけるエチオピア政府軍は、医療専門家・患者・医療施設に対する広範な攻撃を行った。
  • In Kenya, the authorities abducted and killed dozens of peaceful anti-finance bill protesters with impunity, and threatened to shut down civil society and donor organizations for allegedly supporting the protests.
  • ケニアでは当局が、財政法案に平和的に反対する抗議者を、不処罰のまま拉致して殺害し、市民社会とドナー団体を抗議を支援したということで閉鎖すると脅した。
  • In Ethiopia, the authorities suspended human rights organizations and intensified the harassment, intimidation, and arrests of journalists, human rights defenders, and opposition figures, forcing many into exile.
  • エチオピアでは当局が、人権団体の活動を停止させ、ジャーナリスト・人権擁護者・野党有力者に対する嫌がらせ・脅迫・逮捕を強化し、多くに亡命を余儀なくさせた。
  • In Eritrea, the government continued to subject its population to indefinite forced conscriptions, and increased repression of its citizens abroad.
  • エリトリアでは政府が国民に、無期限の強制兵役を課し続け、外国に住む自国民への弾圧を強化した。
  • South Sudan’s transitional government postponed elections and failed to carry out meaningful reforms, further entrenching impunity for abuses.
  • 南スーダンの暫定政権は選挙を延期し、意味ある改革の実行を怠り、人権侵害への不処罰を更に定着させた。
  • Historically marginalized communities faced further erosion of their rights. Uganda’s Constitutional Court upheld the discriminatory 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act. In Tanzania, the government forcibly relocated Indigenous Maasai communities from their ancestral lands in Ngorongoro.
  • 歴史的に周辺化されていたコミュニティは、彼らの権利が更に浸食される事態に直面した。ウガンダの憲法裁判所は差別法である2023年同性愛取締法を支持し、タンザニアでは政府が先住民であるマサイ族を先祖伝来の土地から600km離れたンゴロンゴロに強制移住させた。
  • Authorities in Tanzania arbitrarily arrested hundreds of opposition supporters, restricted on social media access, banned independent media, and were implicated in the abduction and extrajudicial killing of at least eight government critics in the lead-up to local elections in November.
  • タンザニア当局は11月の地方選挙を前にして、野党支持者数百人を恣意的に逮捕し、ソーシャルメディアへのアクセスを制限、独立的なメディアを禁止すると共に、少なくとも8人の政府批判者の拉致と超法規的殺害に関与した。
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