(New York, February 22, 2011) – The Chinese government should immediately release three prominent lawyers arbitrarily detained and feared forcibly disappeared this month, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch also reiterated its call for the Chinese authorities to end the arbitrary house arrest imposed on Liu Xia, the wife of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, and on the blind legal activist Chen Guangcheng and his family.
(ニューヨーク、2011年2月22日)-中国政府は、今月恣意的に逮捕し強制失踪させられた恐れのある著名な弁護士3名を、直ちに釈放しなければならない、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べるとともに、ノーベル平和賞受賞者・劉曉波(Liu Xiaobo)氏の妻、劉霞(Liu Xia)さん及び陳光誠(Chen Guangcheng)氏とその家族に科している恣意的自宅軟禁を解除するようにという、中国当局への要求を改めて表明した。
Lawyers Tang Jitian, Teng Biao, and Jiang Tianyong were separately taken away by Public Security agents last week in Beijing and have not been seen or heard from since. The authorities have failed to give any reason or formal notification to their relatives, and all three are believed to be at risk of ill-treatment and torture.
唐吉田(Tang Jitian)、滕彪(Teng Biao)、江天勇(Jiang Tianyong)の3氏はそれぞれ別個に先週北京市内で公安当局員に連行されたまま消息を絶っている。当局は3氏の家族に何の理由も正式な通知も示しておらず、3氏は虐待と拷問に遭う危険性が高いと考えられている。
“Citizens’ demands for the state to respect its own laws are getting louder,” said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “But the government is responding with even less regard for legal procedures, arbitrarily arresting lawyers and placing well known activists and their family members under illegal and indefinite detention.”
Police forced their way into Tang Jitian’s Beijing apartment early on the morning of February 16, 2011, and immediately took him away, returning later to search the apartment. Jiang Tianyong was arrested in Bejiing on the afternoon of February 19 while visiting his brother. Several men forced him into a car, and the police returned later that day to seize his computer. Teng Biao, a lecturer at China University of Political Science and Law, was arrested the same afternoon. Police searched his home the next day and seized two computers, as well as several books, documents, and DVDs.
警察は2011年2月16日の早朝、唐吉田(Tang Jitian)氏のアパートに押し入り、即彼を連れ去り、その後家宅捜査に戻って来ている。滕彪(Teng Biao)氏は2月16日午後北京市内で、兄弟を訪れていた際に逮捕されている。数人の男が彼を車に押し込み、警察がその日の夕方、氏のコンピューターを押収している。中国大学の政治科学&法学の講師である江天勇(Jiang Tianyong)氏も同日午後に逮捕されている。警察は翌日に氏の自宅を家宅捜査し、2台のコンピューターと数冊の書籍・書類・DVDを押収した。
All three activists are leading lawyers from the weiquan, or “rights protection” movement, whom the government has deprived of their professional licenses in recent years. Judicial authorities have done this apparently in retaliation for the lawyers’ refusal to desist from cases that the authorities see as politically sensitive such as abuses of power, wrongful convictions, and illegal land seizures.
Under international law, authorities commit an enforced disappearance when they fail to acknowledge holding someone in custody or provide no information on the person’s fate or whereabouts. “Disappearances” increase the likelihood of torture or other ill-treatment, Human Rights Watch said.
The detention of at least two of the three lawyers in recent days appears to be linked to recent developments regarding the blind, self-taught legal activist Chen Guangcheng. Chen and his family have been under strict detention outside of any legal procedure at their home in the countryside ever since he was released from prison in September 2010. On February 10, 2011, a video he made documenting his detention and persecution was made public for the first time, prompting legal activists to seek ways to assist him and denounce the illegal character of his detention.
最近起こった3名の弁護士の内少なくとも2名の拘束は、盲目の独学法律活動家・陳光誠(Chen Guangcheng)氏を巡る少し前の出来ごとに関係していると思われる。陳氏とその家族は、氏が2010年9月に刑務所から釈放されて以来、地方にある氏の自宅で何の法手続きもないまま、厳重な自宅軟禁されているのだ。2011年2月10日、自身への拘束と迫害を陳氏自身が撮影したビデオが初めて公表され、法律活動家たちは氏を救出する方策を求めるとともに、その拘束の不当性を非難し始めていた。
Foreign journalists who tried to visit Chen, including from CNN and the New York Times, were assaulted by thugs guarding access to his village. Activists, including Jiang and Teng, met in Beijing to discuss Chen’s case on February 19; Jiang and Teng were detained shortly after that meeting.
Chen’s case echoes the persecution of Liu Xia, the wife of Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo. Following the announcement of the prize in October 2010, the Chinese government placed Liu Xia under strict house arrest, progressively depriving her of any freedom to communicate with the outside world. On February 20, 2011, the Washington Post published her first reported words since being placed under house arrest four months earlier. In a brief online conversation she told of being “miserable” and of being held “hostage” with her family by the government. She also said she had not been allowed to visit Liu Xiaobo in prison since she went there under police escort on October 11, 2010. The arbitrary detention of the spouse of a Nobel laureate for winning the award is unprecedented in the prize’s history.
陳氏の事件は、ノーベル平和賞受賞者・劉曉波(Liu Xiaobo)氏の妻、劉霞(Liu Xia)さんへの迫害をそのまま繰り返しているものだ。2010年10月にノーベル賞受賞が発表された後、中国政府は劉霞(Liu Xia)さんを、厳重な自宅軟禁下に置き、外界と連絡をとる自由を彼女から徐々に奪ってきている。2011年2月20日、ワシントン・ポストは4ヶ月前に自宅軟禁下に置かれて以来初の彼女の言葉を報じた。インターネット上の短い会話で、劉霞(Liu Xia)さんは、政府の手で家族とともに「人質」にされている実態と「悲惨な状態」について語っていた。彼女は又、2010年10月11日に警察に付き添われて行って以来、服役中の劉曉波(Liu Xiaobo)氏への面会が許されていない、とも言っていた。ノーベル賞受賞者の伴侶に対する恣意的逮捕は、同賞の歴史上前代未聞の出来事である。
The increased use of extrajudicial detentions, or “soft detention” (ruanjin) in police parlance, began with preparations for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, at a time when the Chinese authorities were apparently keen to neutralize dissidents and critics while avoiding the international condemnation that would accompany high-profile criminal trials of dissidents. Since then, the police have continued to expand the scope of the people that it subjects to such arbitrary measures and even increasingly resorted to criminal tactics to intimidate or forcibly disappear critics, subjecting them to abductions, beatings, and threats of retaliation against family members.
The prohibition against arbitrary arrest and deprivation of liberty is a central tenet of Chinese and international human rights law. Under Chinese law, the police must notify the relatives of anyone arrested within two days. There are no legal statutes that allow for indefinite house arrest.
“There is nothing ’soft’ about ’soft detention’ – it is a life in limbo outside the protection of the law,” said Richardson. “The Chinese government should immediately release these activists and their family members. A failure to do so demonstrates a preference for thuggery over the rule of law.”