
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イラン:政治犯の命が危ない



(New York) -The Iranian government should immediately release ailing political prisoner Behrooz Javid-Tehrani, a human rights activist first arrested during 1999 nationwide student protests, and ensure he has access to adequate medical care, Human Rights Watch said today. Javid-Tehrani, who has been continually detained since 2005, is on hunger strike and suffers from health problems caused by prolonged torture.

(ニューヨーク2009年5月23日)1999年イラン全土で発生した学生の抗議行動の際、初の逮捕者となった人権活動家であり、病を患う政治犯ベフルーズ・ジャヴィッド・テヘラニ(Behrooz Javid Tehrani)を、イラン政府は直ちに釈放し、適切な医療を保証するべきである、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。2005年以来拘禁され続けているジャヴィッド・テヘラニは、ハンガーストライキの最中で、長く続いた拷問に起因する健康問題を患っている。

A student activist and leading defender of the rights of political prisoners and their families, Javid-Tehrani has spent the last 10 years in and out ofprison. He is currently held in the "doghouse" section of the infamous Gohar Dasht prison in Karaj city, north of Tehran, with his hands and feet cuffed.

学生運動活動家で政治犯及びその家族の権利の主要な擁護者である、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニは過去10年間、投獄そして釈放を繰り返してきた。彼は現在カラジ(Karaj)市にある悪名高いゴハル・ダシュト(Gohar Dasht)刑務所の「犬小屋」セクションに拘禁されている。

"Behrooz Javid-Tehrani, who is critically ill, is in prison for his peaceful political dissent and his human rights advocacy," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "He should never have been imprisoned in the first place and he should be released at once or he will likely die in prison."


Javid-Tehrani, 29, has never had access to a lawyer, and has had limited access to his family since his 2005 arrest. Despite an independent medical examination in 2006 that confirmed he had been tortured while in prison, Javid-Tehrani has been refused release to obtain needed medical care. Amongst his current known ailments are fresh bruises and wounds to his body as well as the loss of 50 percent of his eyesight due to head injuries inflicted by his interrogators in prison. In addition, authorities have not provided adequate medical care during his 18-day hunger strike, according to his friend Kianoosh Sanjari, a human rights activist who was a fellow inmate during part of Javid-Tehrani's term inEvin prison in Tehran.

ジャヴィッド・テヘラニ(29歳)は2005年に逮捕されて以来、弁護士への接見はなく、家族への面会も制限されていた。服役中に拷問に遭ったことを確認した、2006年の中立的な医療検査にも拘らず、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニは必要とされた医療を受けるための釈放を拒否されてきた。現在知られている彼の症状は、身体への新しい打撲傷その他の傷、並びに刑務所内での尋問の際に加えられた頭部への損傷による視界50%喪失である。加えて、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニがテヘランのエビン刑務所に服役した際のある期間、囚人仲間であり友人のキアノーシュ・サンジャリ(Kianoosh Sanjari)によれば、彼が18日間のハンガーストライキを行なった際に、当局は適切な医療を提供しなかったという。

Iranian officials first detained Javid-Tehrani on July 9, 1999, when he was 19, as he participated in student demonstrations that spread across Iran. He was sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of "acting against national security." Four years into his sentence, his sister phoned him to say their mother had passed away but the Iranian Judiciary refused to let him attend his mother's burial. His sentence was later commuted and he was released in late 2003.


In 2004, he was detained twice, both times for demonstrating for the rights of political prisoners and their families in front of the United Nations offices in Tehran. Prison officials interrogated and tortured him in Section 209 of Evin prison in Tehran, Kianoosh Sanjari told Human Rights Watch. Sanjari became aware of Javid-Tehrani's torture in Evin because of the close proximity of their cells and the fact that they shared the same interrogator, an official who goes by the name of Saeed Sheikhan.

2004年、彼は2度逮捕をされたが、両方ともテヘランの国連事務所の前で、政治犯とその家族の権利保護を求めて、デモンストレイションを行ったためだった。刑務所当局者はテヘランのエビン刑務所の209セクションで彼を尋問し拷問を加えた、とキアノーシュ・サンジャリはヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに述べた。サンジャリはジャヴィッド・テヘラニの房と近接し、かつサンジャリの尋問官とジャヴィッド・テヘラニの尋問官はサイード・シェイカン(Saeed Sheikhan)という名で通っている同一人物であったために、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニが拷問されたことに気が付いたのだそうだ。

In 2005, ahead of the presidential elections won by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Javid-Tehrani and others in an organization called Jebhe-ye Democratic-e Iran(the Iranian Democratic Front), organized activities such as putting up posters, distributing fliers, and writing political graffiti to protest the lack of transparency and lack of democracy in Iranian elections. The group also raised funds to help families of political prisoners and made short films interviewing the families.

2005年マフムード・アフマディネジャード大統領の選挙戦勝利に先立ち、イラン民主戦線(Jebhe-ye Democratic-e Iran)と呼ばれる団体に所属するジャヴィッド・テヘラニとその他の者は、イランでの選挙における透明性の欠如や民主主義の欠如に抗議して、ポスターを貼り、チラシ配布をし、政治的な落書きを書いたりするなどの活動を主催した。同グループは政治犯の家族を支援するために資金を集め、家族にインタビューする短編映画を作製した。

After Javid-Tehrani interviewed political prisoner Akbar Mohammadi during the latter's temporary release and shortly before Mohammadi's death under suspicious circumstances during a hungerstrike in prison, he was again arrested in 2005. According to Sanjari, that interview was of special interest to prison officials, who raised it repeatedly during their interrogations of both friends.

政治犯アクバル・モハマディー(Akbar Mohammadi)は、ハンスト中に疑わしい状況下で死亡した。後の逮捕から一時釈放されていたジャヴィッド・テヘラニは、その死の直前にモハマディーにインタビューしていた。そしてその後、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニは2005年に再び逮捕されたのである。サンジャリによれば、そのインタビューは刑務所当局者から特別の関心を寄せられ、友人両者への尋問の際、繰り返し話題に上ったそうである。

The head judge at Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Judge Hasan Zare Dehnavi, known as Judge Hadad, sentenced Javid-Tehrani to four years in prison for membership in an "illegal" organization (the Iranian DemocraticFront) that "acts against state security," 40 lashes for "insulting the leadership and the state," and three-and-a-half years on charges of belonging to the Mojahedin'e Khalgh Organization (MKO). According to Sanjari, this charge was fabricated by the interrogator Sheikhan and furthered by a personal conflict with Judge Hadad, the judge who later sentenced Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi to eight years for espionage.

テヘランの革命裁判所第26支部の主任裁判官、ハサン・ザレ・ディーナビ(Hasan Zare Dehnavi)裁判官(ハダド裁判官として知られている)は、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニに対して、「国家の安全に反する活動」をする「非合法組織(イラン民主戦線)」のメンバーであるという容疑に4年の懲役刑、「指導者及び国家侮辱」の容疑に40回のムチ打ち刑、ムジャハディン・ハルク機構(MKO:Mojahedin'e Khalgh Organization)に所属していた容疑に3年半の懲役刑を下した。サンジャリによれば、この容疑は、サイード・シェイカン尋問官によってデッチ上げられ、後にイランとアメリカ領国籍を持つジャーナリスト、ロクサナ・サベリにスパイ容疑で8年の懲役刑を下したハダド裁判官との性格の不一致によってさらに拡大されたのだそうである。

An appeals court reduced the sentence on the MKO charge by six months. Javid-Tehrani has now served more than half his 2005 sentence. Most prisoners in Iran are eligible for release after serving half of their sentence, but he has not been granted even one day of customary temporary release since 2005.


Human Rights Watch is concerned that Javid-Tehrani's life is in immediate danger, in light of the suspicious deaths of political prisoners at Gohar Dasht prison (also known as Rajayi Shahr), most recently that of Amir Heshmat Saran in March 2009. Gohar Dasht was one of the main sites of the 1988 mass summary executions of political prisoners which killed thousands.

ごく最近2009年3月のアミル・ヘシュマト・サランなど、ゴハル・ダシュト刑務所(ラジャイー・シャフル:Rajayi Shahrとして知られる)では政治犯が複数、不審な死を遂げていることを考えると、ジャヴィッド・テヘラニの命に危険が差し迫っている、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは懸念している。ゴハル・ダシュトは、1988年に政治犯数千人を殺害した、多数の即刻処刑が行なわれたサイトの1つである。

"Amongst Iran's political prisoners, Gohar Dasht prison is known as the ‘doghouse' because prisoners are sent there to die," said Whitson. "The Iranian government is legally bound to ensure safety and provide healthcare for all its prisoners. But it has consistently failed to do so for political prisoners, with deadly results."


Human Rights Watch urged Iranian authorities to release Javid-Tehrani immediately and end its persecution of peaceful critics and dissidents.


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