
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ブルンジ:市民運動グループを非合法とする決定を撤回せよ



(Bujumbura, November 25, 2009) – Burundian authorities should immediately retract an ordinance outlawing the Forum for the Strengthening of Civil Society (FORSC), an umbrella organization representing 146 Burundian civil society associations, said Amnesty International, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, and Human Rights Watch in a joint statement issued today. The government should also end threats and harassment against civil society activists, the groups said.

(ブジュンブラ、2009年11月25日)-ブルンジ当局はブルンジの市民運動146団体を代表する傘下団体である市民運動強化フォーラム(Forum for the Strengthening of Civil Society :FORSC)を非合法化する命令を直ちに撤回しなければならず、又市民運動活動家に対する脅迫と嫌がらせも止めるべきである、とアムネスティー・インターナショナル、東部及びアフリカの角地域人権擁護者プロジェクト(East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの3団体は本日出した共同声明で述べた。

The ordinance, signed by Interior Minister Edouard Nduwimana on November 23, 2009, annuls the legal registration of FORSC, citing an alleged technical error in the group’s registration application, which was approved by the same ministry in May 2006. This is the first nongovernmental organization to be banned in Burundi, a worrisome development as the country gears up for presidential elections.

内務大臣エドアード・ンデュウィマナ(Edouard Nduwimana)が2009年11月23日に署名した命令は、FORSCの登録申請に技術的間違いがあったという疑いに言及しながら、2006年5月に承認した同グループの法的登録を無効としている。ブルンジで非合法とされる初めてのNGOであり、同国が大統領選挙を控えて臨戦態勢を強める中、危惧すべき出来事である。

The ban follows several weeks of increasing intimidation, harassment, and threats against civil society activists working on issues of accountability. The week, before the ordinance was signed, the forum’s delegate general, Pacifique Nininahazwe, and Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, president of the Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Detained Persons (APRODH), said they were placed under surveillance by the National Intelligence Service and received a series of death threats. 

説明責任の問題に関しての運動をしている市民活動家に対して、数週間脅迫や嫌がらせが強まってきた後に禁止措置は取られた。命令に署名が行われた前の週、フォーラム全体の代表、パシフィック・ニニナハズウェ(Pacifique Nininahazwe)と「人権&被拘留者の保護協会(Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Detained Persons:APRODH)」代表ピエール・クラバー・ムボニムパ(Claver Mbonimpa)は、自分たちが国家情報機関の監視下に置かれており、「殺す」という脅しを立て続けに受けていると語った。

“Burundi’s ban on FORSC appears to have no real legal basis and is a frontal assault on freedom of association,” said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Along with the threats against two highly respected activists, this is a brazen attempt to silence Burundi’s vibrant civil society.”


FORSC, which has united civil society organizations in a number of campaigns around issues ranging from transitional justice to election monitoring, has recently been at the forefront of efforts to ensure accountability for several killings that occurred in 2009. It has been leading a campaign calling for serious investigations into the killings of Ernest Manirumva and Salvator Nsabiriho. Witnesses implicate state agents in the both killings.

FORSCは暫定司法制度から選挙監視に到る範囲の課題に関して多くの運動を行う、市民運動団体を統合してきたが最近は、2009年に発生した幾つもの殺人事件に対する説明責任を確保するための活動の先頭に立ってきた。同団体は又アーネスト・マニラムバ(Ernest Manirumva)とサルバトール・ンサビリホ(Salvator Nsabiriho)殺人事件に対する、本格的捜査を求める運動の指導的役割を果たしてきている

Following a statement by Nininahazwe on November 7, in which he called on President Pierre Nkurunziza to react to the murders, Interior Minister Nduwimana summoned FORSC and several other organizations and threatened to “punish” them for their outspokenness. The following week, Nininahazwe and Mbonimpa began to receive death threats. On November 18, eight organizations addressed an open letter to President Nkurunziza, raising concerns about the threats and calling for an end to the harassment of civil society.

ピエール・ンクルンジザ(Pierre Nkurunziza)大統領に殺人事件へ対処するよう求めた、ニニナハズウェによる11月7日の声明に続いて、内務大臣ンデュウィマナはFORSCや幾つかの他団体を召喚し、彼らの明確な物言い対して「処罰する」と脅してきた。次の週ニニナハズウェとムボニムパは「殺す」という脅迫を受け始めた。11月18日、8団体は脅迫についての懸念を提起し、市民運動に対する嫌がらせを止めるよう求める、ンクルンジザ大統領宛の公開書簡を書いた。

“Banning an organization several days after it speaks out against threats – despite the government’s attempts to couch the ban in formal legal terms – raises concerns that the government’s goal is to silence critics,” said Hassan Shire, executive director of the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project. “Rather than abolish civil society groups, it should engage in a productive dialogue with them to improve conditions for all Burundians.”


According to the ordinance, the ban on FORSC is based on the fact that some of its members are registered by the Ministry of Public Works, Labor, and Social Security (such as trade unions), and the Ministry of Justice (such as the Bar Association), rather than the Ministry of Interior, which governs registration of most nongovernmental organizations. However, these groups were members of the forum when the Interior Ministry approved its statute and membership list in 2006.


Burundian lawyers interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that the ordinance has no legal basis. One lawyer pointed out that several collectives, working on HIV/AIDS and economic development, report to different ministries. Passing an ordinance on the basis that diverse associations cannot form legally recognized networks would set a dangerous legal precedent, the lawyer said.


Even under an interpretation of Burundian law that would prohibit forming such networks, an Interior official speaking at a news conference on November 24 could not explain why an error made by the ministry itself should result in banning an organization, rather than efforts to bring it into compliance. Pressed by journalists, the official, Réné Gabriel Simbakeneye, claimed that the ordinance was intended to “suspend” FORSC. He said that when the forum “corrects the mistakes [in its statute], the minister will do it the favor of allowing it to continue its activities.”

ブルンジの法律がそのようなネットワークを形成するのを禁止しているという解釈のもとでさえも、11月24日の記者会見で内務省高官が話したことでは、何故同省自体が行った間違いが、法律順守の方向に指導するのでなく団体の禁止に帰着するのかが、説明できない。ジャーナリストに押されて、レネ・ガブリエル・シムバケニエ(Réné Gabriel Simbakeneye)は、命令はFORSCを「一時的に止める」意図だったと主張した。彼は同フォーラムが「[定款で]間違いを訂正すれば、フォーラムが活動を続けられるよう認める方向で大臣は措置するだろう」と語った。

Burundian civil society organizations pointed out in a statement on November 24 that the ordinance violates fundamental human rights. Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Burundi is a party, states that everyone has the right to freedom of association. The only permissible restrictions are those that are “prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.” None of these restrictions has been used as a justification for banning FORSC.


Human Rights Watch, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, and Amnesty International urged the government of Burundi to reverse the ordinance immediately and allow FORSC to continue its operations.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、東部及びアフリカの角地域人権擁護者プロジェクト(East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)、アムネスティー・インターナショナルの3団体はブルンジ政府に命令を直ちに撤回し、FORSCが活動を続けるのを認めるよう強く求めた。

 “The Burundian government has a right, under international law, to regulate the formation and activities of civil society organizations,” said Tawanda Hondora, deputy director in the Africa programme of Amnesty International. “But abolishing a group because it questions government practice is a serious human rights violation at this critical time in Burundi’s history.”





FORSC is one of Burundi’s most active organizations. It was founded in 2006 with the mission of “strengthening civil society’s position and visibility in order to effectively contribute to the emergence and consolidation of a state respectful of the rule of law, where peace and prosperity reign.” Its recent activities include coordinating civil society activists to monitor UN-sponsored consultations on transitional justice.


After the killing in April of Ernest Manirumva, vice president of the anti-corruption organization OLUCOME, the Forum initiated the “Justice for Ernest Manirumva” campaign, calling on the government to identify and arrest the perpetrators, whom many civil society organizations suspected of being state agents. The campaign appears to have been one of the main forces that led to the decision by the prosecutor of the republic to disband an inactive government-appointed investigatory commission and replace it, in October, with a new commission that seemed to initiate serious investigations.

反汚職団体OLUCOMEの副代表だったアーネスト・マニラムバ(Ernest Manirumva)が四月に殺害された後、同フォーラムは「アーネスト・マニラムバに法の正義を」というキャンペーンを開始し、多くの市民運動団体が国の機関員、ではないかと疑っている、犯人の特定と逮捕を政府に要求していた。共和国検察官が機能していない政府任命の調査委員会を解散し、本格的な調査を開始すると見られている新しい委員会に10月に取って代わらせる決断をもたらした主要な力の一部に、そのキャンペーンはなっていたようである。

In November, FORSC publicly denounced the murder of Salvator Nsabiriho, a young man who was summoned by the Governor of Kayanza province on October 13 regarding a property dispute. According to FORSC and numerous other organizations, Nsabiriho was interrogated and then beaten brutally by police acting on the orders of the governor, Senel Nduwimana. Nsabiriho died of his injuries on November 5 after denouncing the perpetrators to his family and to Burundian human rights activists.

11月にFORSCは公式にサルバトール・ンサビリホの殺害を激しく非難した。ンサビリホは若い男性で、10月13日にカヤンザ(Kayanza)州知事に財産争いに関して召喚されていた。FORSCと他の多数の団体によれば、ンサビリホは尋問され、その後セネル・ンドゥウィマナ(Senel Nduwimana)知事の命令で行動した警察から残虐な暴行を受けたそうである。ンサビリホは犯人を家族とブルンジの人権活動家に伝えた後11月5日、その傷がもとでに死亡した。

On November 10, the same day that Minister Nduwimana threatened to “punish” FORSC and other civil society organizations, Nininahazwe and Mbonimpa received death threats from individuals linked to the National Intelligence Service. They were told that intelligence agents wanted to kill them because of information they were believed to possess about Manirumva’s murder.


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