
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イラン:ジャーナリストの拘留を延長



(Beirut December 3, 2014) – Iran’s judiciary has extended Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian’s pretrial detention for another two months. Rezaian, a dual Iranian and American national, is being held in a section of Evin prison controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. He has been in detention for more than four months without being formally charged with any crime.


On November 18, 2014, authorities informed Rezaian that investigations against him are ongoing, and that his pretrial detention has been extended for another two months, a source familiar with his case told Human Rights Watch. Prosecutors have not allowed the lawyer hired by Rezaian’s family to defend him, to speak with him, or to review his case file, the source said. The source added that despite Rezaian’s inability to read or write Persian, authorities did not provide him with an official translator during his interrogation. With a judge’s approval, detaining authorities can, under Iranian law, hold a suspect indefinitely and deny him access to counsel.

レザニアンの事件に精通している消息筋によれば、当局は2014年11月18日にレザニアンに、彼への捜査は継続中で、審理前拘禁を2ヶ月間延長すると伝えたそうだ。 検察官は、レザニアンの家族に雇われた弁護士が彼と話をすることや、彼の事件簿を検証することも許しておらず、更にレザニアンがペルシア語を読み書きできないにも拘らず、当局は取調の際に正式な通訳を提供していない、とその消息筋は述べた。イランの法律上、裁判官の許可があれば拘留当局は、容疑者を無期限に拘留ししかも弁護士との接見を禁止することができる。

“If authorities had evidence that Rezaian had committed a real crime, they should have charged him shortly after his arrest,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director. “At this point, they should simply release him.”


The Washington Post reported on July 24 that Rezaian had been arrested by security agents two days earlier together with his wife, Yeganeh Salehi, also a journalist, and an unnamed photojournalist and her spouse. They were arrested a day after Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance renewed Rezaian’s press credentials.


Gholamhossein Esmaeili, the head of Tehran’s judiciary, confirmed Rezaian’s arrest on July 25, saying he had “been detained for some questions,” but gave no other explanation. He said the judiciary would issue further details after completing its investigation, which has not yet happened. Authorities have since released Salehi and the others on bail, but have not yet charged them. Human Rights Watch is concerned, based on information it has received, that Salehi and Rezaian’s family have been pressured by authorities not to speak to the media or publicize the circumstances of his ongoing detention.




(CNN) イランで今年7月に拘束された米国人ジャーナリスト夫妻のうち、妻が釈放されたことが分かった。国営イラン通信(IRNA)と米紙ワシントン・ポストが伝えた。






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