
DX直接民主制 (内閣官房と総理大臣の選出)

DX直接民主制 (内閣官房と総理大臣の選出)





DX Direct Democracy (the Cabinet Secretariat and election of Prime Minister)
 In a digital direct democracy, it is not acceptable to leave the most important part of politics, active policy-making, to bureaucratic organizations. Even if there are no more representatives, laws and regulations must be decided in line with the times.
 It is acceptable to have bureaucrats draft bills, but it is necessary for them to produce bills that properly reflect public opinion.

 Therefore, a core organization like the current Cabinet Secretariat will be necessary. The difference with the current system is that it is not the Diet but the voting units that decides whether a bill will pass or fail.
 The Cabinet Secretariat is responsible for planning and overall coordination of important policies, as well as collecting information.
In order to realize the public's requests regarding policies from the public's perspective, it will be necessary to use the suggestion boxes set up by the Tokugawa shogunate during the Kyoho Reforms and to conduct various surveys.

 The selection of the person who will lead this Cabinet Secretariat and lead Japan in a positive direction - that is, the Prime Minister - is extremely crucial, so let us consider the mechanism by which this decision is made.
 In the current political system, the Prime Minister and each Cabinet member are mainly selected from among the Diet members, but in a DX direct democracy, it would be better to select Cabinet members from the top-level talent of the voting unit. And what about the idea of ​​selecting about three Prime Minister candidates by mutual vote, and then selecting the Prime Minister from among them by a vote of the entire nation via DX?
 It might be good that the selection process for candidates for prime minister were to involve them in various media outlets introducing themselves and presenting their envisioned policies for running the country, and then select a reliable candidate.

 Incidentally, the combination of mutual selection of candidates and a national referendum is to ensure political continuity and minimize the risk of a dictatorship. Furthermore, the above is a system that can develop capable ministers, so we will no longer see ministers and vice ministers who simply read out written responses prepared by bureaucrats.





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