宗教の4つの側面 (教祖・教え・教団・信者)
Four aspects of religion (founder, teachings, cult, believers)
Religion has four aspects: the founder, the teachings, the cult, and the believers. Although these are deeply connected, it is important to note that they are not exactly consistent.
In a religion, disciples first gather around a charismatic founder and a religious group is formed. The disciples organize the teachings of the founder and create a textbook (the Bible) for the cult. And the number of believers will increase.
We must be careful that what the priest or pastor of a religious organization says is not necessarily the same as the philosophy and thoughts of the founder, and even more so, it is impossible to understand the religion based on the words of one believer.
Furthermore, as the disciples use the authority of the founder to add to their teachings as time passes, it is quite possible that they will drift away from the philosophy and ideas of the founder.
For example, Christ said, ``If you are struck on the right cheek, offer the left cheek,'' but many Christians today seem to completely ignore this statement.
In Islam, the word jihad is sometimes used to mean revenge.