
日本国民を発奮させる方法 (再生エネ、公共心、環境関連技術の特許開放)

日本国民を発奮させる方法 (再生エネ、公共心、環境関連技術の特許開放)





Methods to inspire the Japanese people (renewable energy, public spirit, patent release of environment-related technology)
 Japan's GDP is stagnant. There is money to invest, but there seems to be a problem with how to select and nurture ventures to support. Toyota is now the only global company, and people's incomes are steadily declining. There is a way to inspire such Japanese people.

 It is to abandon nuclear power and switch to natural energy. As I wrote earlier in "The Japanese government seems to like nuclear power plants," Japan is a volcanic country with frequent earthquakes, and the risk of nuclear accidents is extremely high. The Japanese people will not be able to easily get out of the shock of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.

 If so, the public would be overjoyed if the policy was changed to use natural energy instead of nuclear power. That is not all. From an industrial point of view, measures to promote nuclear power plants are only welcomed by major companies such as Toshiba and Hitachi, and have little connection with small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for more than 90% of Japan.
 On the other hand, in the use of natural energy, it can be said that there are unlimited opportunities for SMEs to play an active role in geothermal power, micro-hydro power, large wind power, small wind power, oceanic current, and tidal power generation.

 In addition, this measure is consistent with the 
cultural level of Japanese people. Japanese people are the people that cultural level is most high  in the world and have a very strong public spirit, and JICA's international assistance is highly evaluated by other countries. Japan also has abundant intellectual resources such as energy-saving technology and environment-related technology.
 Japan will be revived if it throws away nuclear power plants, which are always accompanied by anxiety, and sets out a policy of building a country that adapts to nature as a united effort.





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