Government requirements B1
A nation is a social system that has been devised and constructed in order for humans to live happy daily lives. Therefore, the skill of its construction and maintenance is of great significance to humanity. I will list what I think are the requirements for the moment. The reason is for the moment is because I think this argument has not been fully considered yet, and as the discussion progresses, I think there will be some selection and selection of items.
Now, let me list the requirements that I am currently considering.
(1) Organizational flexibility and agility in response to environmental changes
(2) Resistance to organizational corruption
(3) Citizen participation
(4) Fairness and rightness
(5) Public trust
(6) Nurturing the next generation (political education)
(7) Shifting the suffrage to young people
(8) Police power and self-defense power
A supplementary explanation will be given below.