






Security concept by Large NGOs
 Humans are social animals, and can live a prosperous life through the division of labor. Therefore, it is natural and expected that such a social system would be realized in the form of a nation.
 However, there are many examples, both in history and in modern times, of countries being dominated by dictators or corrupt bureaucrats and no longer serving their people.

 For ordinary citizens, a peaceful everyday life is all they need, and they would be better off not having a government that only collects taxes and makes bothersome laws.
 What if we were to minimize the territorial element of the concept of a country and define a nation by the laws to which individuals are subject and the services it provides?

 Considering the principle of racial self‐determination and sovereignty of the people, security can be achieved by organizing vigilante groups, so there is no need for powerful state power. However, invasion by a nation backed by a powerful external military force would be a concern.
 The current United Nations is hamstrung by the veto power of the five major powers, a relic of history. Currently, mercenaries are active all over the world, and instead of mercenaries for people who directly give money, wouldn't it be better to have a huge military force for people, companies, and organizations that donate and pay taxes to act on behalf of a nation's military? This is the idea of ​​NGOs providing such military services.

 These NGOs would not act as rulers, but would provide the services that states have traditionally provided, and in return people would pay an amount similar to taxes. There could be multiple types of NGOs like this, and there could be multiple NGOs of the same type in the world.
 This way, states would no longer be able to create tyrants.





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