Why is virtue necessary for the head of an organization?
The head of an organization has the opportunity to use power and money, but many stakeholders, such as subordinates and business partners, will approach him/her in order to gain access to this opportunity. For this reason, character and virtue are important for the head of an organization to use power and money correctly and without mistakes.
If we express the characteristics of a person as wisdom, virtue, and courage, then virtue is essential for a leader. An organization can only function effectively if the connections between people are good, so virtue is an absolute requirement for a leader.
Throughout history, tyrants and dictators have lacked virtue and have adopted strict management. Under strict management, there is no way for free and proactive ideas to emerge, and the organization will gradually decline.
Furthermore, talented people gather under a man of virtue, and the organization flourishes.
In this way, the larger the organization, the more necessary and effective it is for the leader to have virtue rather than wisdom or courage.