
官界の力 > 政界の力

官界の力 > 政界の力



Power of the official world > power of the political world
 In Japan, politicians who are members of the Diet are supposed to control Japanese politics. However, in terms of the balance of power, it seems that the power of the bureaucracy is superior. As proof of this, although the power of personnel affairs in the bureaucracy is supposed to be held by the ministers, who are politicians, it is not always possible to exercise this power. This is also the reason why there is little political turmoil even when the party in power changes.
 While political stability is a good thing, it also means that the political influence of the Diet members elected by the people is weaker, and we are moving away from popular sovereignty.

 The claim that Japan is a democratic nation is merely a pretense, and it can be said that the country has aspects of a bureaucratic-centered nation like a socialist country.





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