MAGAは、Make America Great Again の略である。レーガン大統領が使った言葉であるが、トランプが選挙で多用した言葉である。
What is MAGA?
MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. It was a phrase used by President Reagan and was used frequently by Trump during the election.
By the way, Trump doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word greatness. That's because, far from abandoning its position as the world's leader, he is damaging the international credibility and prestige that America has realized so far, and degrading his own country to a second-rate country. He threatens countries that need aid and finds fault with them for the sake of his own country. There is no way that such a country can be praised as great, and the American people cannot be proud and happy.
Trump, who speaks the MAGA, doesn't know what greatness means.