あじさいの街・鎌倉めぐり 鶴岡八幡宮出口⇒小町通り・若宮大路⇒鎌倉駅
Kamakura Tsuruogaka HachimanguuExit⇒Komachi street・Wakamiya Oji⇒Kamakura Station
I'm sorry, not much cleaner image.
Kamakura Station East Exit. Kamakura's leading shopping street, a small red torii, Komachi street entrance. Restaurants and boutiques, hotels street lined with souvenir shops that are filled with young people and visitors enjoy shopping.
Wakamiya Oji which extends parallel with the main streets of the Hachiman Shrine in Tsuruoka. The Ge center stage as many worshipers walked the "heart of Kamakura" is a lively show. Also, the old Western-style atmosphere and feel the history of striking churches in this area. The streets of the ancient city, which along with the exotic flavor.
Run throughout the town are so narrow alleys of the capillaries. Both sides of the street has a myriad of such side street, is a glimpse of the real face and step into the Kamakura step.
AZISAIBASHI (Hydrangea Bridge)
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