Does the universe have intention?

Human will is created from unconscious.
Also, ・・・

Purpose of living

2017-10-08 14:22:15 | ブログ

Simplifying human behavior may be said to be due to the acquisition of substances in the brain such as dopamine in all aspects including eating, love affair and exercise.
Pleasure from substances in the brain drives people for action.

So, what is the purpose for human beings to live in the brain, can we even give it?
Instead, substances in the brain are a means for people to act.
In one theory, it is said that living beings are vehicles to carry genes, but in that case it will be interpretation that living beings are merely tools being manipulated for the evolution of genes.

If there is something objective in this world, it is not only inside each individual but more things that exist on the outside, such as the evolution of the world, occupy a more essential part Is not it?




