Does the universe have intention?

Human will is created from unconscious.
Also, ・・・

Change comes from details

2020-08-03 19:30:09 | ブログ

The DNA contained in the cells of an organism contains the blueprint of the entire organism. Atoms that make up various molecules have the ability to make all kinds of molecules. In this universe, it has a fractal structure in which the whole view is convoluted into a part of an object.

Human decision-making is the result of the interaction of the nerve cells that make up the human body, and the minute nerve cells are the result of the interaction of even smaller substances. Changes take place in small steps, but the details are inextricably linked to the whole universe and know you, everyone else, and the whole universe. In every detail every kind of intent and every possibility is sleeping.

Even if you know what to do, there are periods when you do not get motivated or you can not go well, but when a certain timing comes, you get motivated as if you were out of the tunnel, and what you thought to be difficult is smooth like a lie I will go to. And even if I thought it was a failure until then, I can see that it was necessary for preparation. You can know the timing and direction to move to a new stage by noticing the changes in your own details.




