



☆ 3月19日~4月3日、パパとママの駐在員ビザ更新の為、日本に一時帰国。世界選手権を日本で観れそう。
☆ 6月14日~8月23日、夏休み。サマー・キャンプ頑張るぞ!
☆ 10月14日~18日、アッパー・グレート・レイク地区予選。ミネソタ州リッチフィールドで開催。
☆ 12月9日~13日、全米ジュニア選手権。ミシガン州イースト・ランシングで開催。

2011 Jr. National Juvenile Boys 予選ラウンド

2010-12-17 23:56:00 | スケート

予選ラウンドB組を一位で通過し、土曜日の決勝戦に進出を決めました。得点 57.98 は、両組を通して最高得点です。


Tomoki Hiwatashi notched the highest score of the day, coming in at an impressive 57.98 points in juvenile boys group B.

Tomoki Hiwatashi notched the highest score of the day, coming in at an impressive 57.98 points in juvenile boys group B

Stinehart, Hiwatashi win juvenile boys qualifying

(12/17/2010) - The top 20 juvenile boys and girls athletes qualified Thursday for the championship round after performing their free skates. Two qualifying groups from both disciplines competed, with the top 10 from each group moving on. The championship round is set for Saturday

Juvenile Boys Qualifying Round Group B
Tomoki Hiwatashi notched the highest score of the day, coming in at an impressive 57.98 points. The DuPage Figure Skating Club delegate wowed the crowd with a pair of double Axels - the signature move of juvenile boys competition. The first Axel came in combination with a double toe to start the skate. He followed the element up with a series of Level 3 and 4 spins, a Level 3 straight line step sequence and clean jumps. His executed elements tallied to 33.09 points.