とうとう東京5年目・・・論文を書くぞ><(うまくいってないのに、この人生は本番という現実(゜Д゜ )ノ)


I met my quota for this month so I feel good.

2016年02月23日 10時31分15秒 | 英語の勉強中


I want to steer away from that topic, because it makes her angry.

I want to avoid that topics, ・・・.




This season our quota is quite high.
※our っていうのは、 my company's って意味。長いから、our
We have a lot of quotas to meet.
From what I heard, deep-fried potatos are bad for you.
from what I read, ・・・
from what I watched on the news, ・・・
I read somewhere, ・・・
I've read this one article from a nutrishonist, Sapporo is cold.
Has it (near convinience store) opened recently?
The bakary closed down.
Now they just have non-fresh bread.
It has gradually gotten cheaper.
What I'm under stress, I eat potato chips,
which I regret the next day.
They give me pinples and a stomach ache.
I regret sleeping all weekend, I should've gone out. 
I regret not eating this morning. I'm so hungry.
When I go bar-hopping, it's expensive.



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