http://gogakuru.com/english/phrase/21734?cmp=twen ゴガクルより
He returned to his hometown after many years away.
His comments are always on the mark.
When I disagreed with him, he gave me an icy stare.
He took dance lessons for six years as a child.
No offence, but I think that's a bad idea.
I know what you mean. 気持ちは分かるけど。
Can you take a survey? アンケートに答えてもらえますか?
I'm really tired. I'm having trouble focusing. 本当に疲れた。集中できない。
Would you lend me a hand? 手を貸していただけますか?
All I have to do is microwave it.
That's a tall order. それは難しい注文ですね。
That reminds me of my hometown. ふるさとを思い出しちゃった。
It's not quite what I was expecting. 私が思っていたのとはすこし違います。
All I have to do is microwave it.
No, that's all right. いいえ、遠慮しとくわ。
There you are. 見つけた!
I'm sure you will find it exciting. き っと楽しんでもらえると思うよ。
This brings back memories. これって懐かしいよね。